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  • Version: 1.2
  • License: MIT

This is an extensible and customizable grid control built in angular js.

Interactive Demo/Designer:

You can customize and play around with the grid here In this demo, you can design the grid on the fly and download the column initialization code.

Download :

Download using the "Download ZIP" button on the right panel. This contains minified .js and .css file.

Salient Features:

  • Allows to create different types of column data (button, label, custom format...)
  • Sorting capability
  • "Excel-like" Filtering capability with type-ahead feature and grouping at column level
  • Allows custom message while Loading
  • Allows animation when records are updated
  • Delegate (event based) column templates to handle action on data
  • Support for range filters for date and numeric columns
  • Import and exports rows in Json format which can be overriden for custom handling.

How to use:

  • Step 1: Checkout the interactive grid designer here to see how you need to style your columns Design the grid on the fly and download the column definition code.

  • Step 2: Add dependency in your controller

	 var appNgNgrid = angular.module('NgNgridApp', ['ngNgrid']);
  • Step 3: Add the ng-ngrid control in your html
	 <div ng-app="NgNgridApp">
			<div ng-controller="HomeController">
				<ng-ngrid rows="data"
						  rows-loading-text="Loading records have patience"						  

  • Step 4: Add column definitions in your controller. Column definition properties will be explained in detail later
	 $scope.columnDefs = [
				   Name: 'Col1String',
				   DisplayName: 'String(Default Type) Column',
				   GlyphFn: function (r) { return 'glyphicon-king'; },
				   BadgeFn: function (r) { return r[this.Name].length; },
				   ClassFn: function (r) { return 'text-primary'; }
  • Step 5: Populate rows in your controller
	 ${Col1String: 'String data'});


Common properties for all Columns

1. Name:  This is the property of the dataset which needs to be bound to the column. The property can be object or a simple value.
2. DisplayName:  This is the name to be shown in the column header of the grid	
3. DisableFilter:  (Default is false) When set to true disables the filtering capability for that column
4. ColumnType: This can be any of the column types described below in the "Column Types" section.

Common Functions (Callbacks)

The Grid column properties have many callback functions which allow you to override style, glyphicons, text , badge , null value substitution etc for the data in that column. Most of the call backs give you the row object which can be queried , incase the value you want to assign to the data is a derived from other column data in that row. Following are the call backs

ClassFn : Allows you to set the Class for the column. It gives you the row object (r)
	   ClassFn: function (r) { return 'text-primary'; }

GlyphFn : Allows you to set the Glyph for the column. It gives you the row object (r)
	  GlyphFn: function (r) { return 'glyphicon-king'; }
TooltipFn : Allows you to set the Tooltip for the column. It gives you the row object (r)
	   TooltipFn: function (r) { return 'this is my tooltip'; }

BadgeFn : Allows you to set the Badge number for the column. It gives you the row object (r)
	   BadgeFn: function (r) { return 100; }

ClassFn : Allows you to set the Class for the data for the column. It gives you the row object (r)
	   ClassFn: function (r) { return 'text-primary'; }	   

BadgeClass : Allows to set the class for the badge

DisabledFn: Allows to enable or disable the control by returning true (for disabling ) or false (for enabling)

TextFn: Allows to set the text to display in the cell 

DateFormatFn	:Allows to set the date filter for Date column type. (See ngNGridDate column in Column types)

UrlFn	:Allows to set the link url for Hyperlink  column type. (See ngNGridLink column in Column types)

NullOrEmptyFn: Allows to replace the null value with a custom value

SelectFn : Allows to set the values for the dropdown in Dropdown type column (see  ngNGridSelect in Column types)
SelectValue  :Allows to set the display value in the dropdown	
SelectKey: Allows to set the key in the drop down to bind to row property

CellClassFn : Allows to apply the class to the table cell for that row

FillterClassFn : Allows setting the class for the column filter items.
FilterTextFn : Allows setting the text to display for the column filter items. 
FilterGlyphFn:  Allows setting the glyphicon to display for the column filter items. 

Column Types

The grid supports various types of columns. All the following column types can be customized using the above common Callbacks as described above

1. Default : String column Used to display simple text values.      
2. ngNGridLabel : Used to display label in the grid data for that column.

3. ngNGridButton : Used to display Button in the grid data for that column.

4. ngNGridDate : Used to display Date in the grid data for that column. Comes with ranged search filter.

5. ngNGridInput : Used to display Input fields in the grid data for that column.

6. ngNGridSelect : Used to display Select dropdown in the grid data for that column.

7. ngNGridLink : Used to display hyperlink in the grid data for that column.

8. ngNGridNumber : Used to display number columns. Comes with ranged search filter.

Grid HTML binding properties

column-definitions -> array of column definition objects
child-columndefinitions -> array of child column definition objects
child-propertynames  -> array of strings representing the property names of the child rows to bind to the parent row
rows  -> the array of records to bind to the grid
rows-loading -> boolean variable which indicates whether rows are still loading in the grid. This triggers the "loading" animation in the grid
rows-loading-text -> string  which indicates the text to show when records are loading					  	
initial-pagesize (optional: default 15)  -> number representing the initial number of records to show in one page of the grid
initial-sortcolumn (optional: default:none) -> string ;name of the column representing  the initial column to sort 
initial-sortdesc (optional default:none) -> boolean : whether to sort the initial sort column as descending                      
show-row-numbers (optional: default:false) -> boolean variable: show row number column by default
show-row-selector (optional: default:false) -> boolean variable: show row selector column by default	
grid-height-stretch-bottom-offset (optional : default:0)-> number indicating the grid should stretch available height on the page except the offset passed
gridHeightFixed -> indicates the grid height is fixed 
notifyGridFiltersChanged -> call back function to assign when Grid filters are changed.
		Parameters passed : ( filterColumnName: column name to which filter is applied or removed (this is empty for when all grid filters are removed) , filters: filters added/removed for the column, isAdded: indicates if filter is added or removed )
onDataImport -> callback function to assign when import action starts. Here you can override or cancel the event.
		Parameter passed : ngNgridImportObject (contains two properties :   Rows: rows which are parsed for import , CancelEvent: boolean indicating whether to cancel the import
onDataExport -> callback function to assign when export action starts. Here you can override or cancel the event.
		Parameter passed : ngNgridExportObject (contains two properties :   Rows: rows which are parsed for import , CancelEvent: boolean indicating whether to cancel the import
addColumnFilters (optional: default:none) -> function to call when adding filters to grid from hosting control.
		Parameters to be passed : (column name, array of filter strings to be applied for the column)
showSettings (optional: default:false) -> Indicates whether the settings menu is expanded initially by default
rememberFilters (optional: default:true) -> Indicates whether the grid remembers the filters for every column during the browser session.


AngularJs BootStrap 0.13.0

AngularJs 1.3.15

Bootstrap 3.3.4


Angularjs Grid Control Module







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