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Picnic Recruitment Task

Please read the following instructions carefully and make sure that you fulfill all requirements listed.


This is a Python programming assignment we've created specifically for our recruitment process. It's a project in a Git repository hosted on GitHub. You were given a link to GitHub, and when you visited that link, it created a private fork of this repository. Only you and developers at Picnic can see the code you push to this repository.

High-level instructions:

  1. Read and follow the task specified below.
  2. Make a local clone of this repository on your machine, and do your work on a branch other than master. Do not make any changes to the master branch.
  3. Push your changes as frequently as you like to origin/your-branch-name, and create a pull request to merge your changes back into the master branch. Don't merge your pull request. Once you're finished with the assignment, we will do a code review of your pull request.
  4. When you're finished, create and add the label done to your pull request. This will notify us that your code is ready to be reviewed. Please do NOT publish your solution on a publicly available location (such as a public GitHub repository, your personal website, et cetera). Also, please refrain from tagging or assigning specific Picnic employees as reviewers of your PR; we have an internal round-robin system to determine who will review your code.

This process closely mimics our actual development and review cycle. We hope you enjoy it!


In a nutshell, the assignment revolves around reading JSON events when polling a Server, processing them, and writing the result to a desired output file.

The input event stream comprises "pick events"; each of these events represents the action of a warehouse employee fulfilling a customer order ("picking" an item off a shelf).

  • No assumptions should be made about the speed at which events arrive. Multiple events may arrive in brief succession, but it could also be that no events arrive for extended periods of time.
  • Each event adheres to the JSON format described below.
  • Each event comprises a single line of JSON.
  • Events are separated by a newline ('\n').
  • If no events are sent for a while, keep-alive messages consisting of a single '\n' may be sent.

Provided Functionality

The provided code is structured as follows:

  • The source of the implementation is in picnic-assignment/src and in the module picnic.assignment. A few things to be noted:
    • Function entry in is the entry point.
    • You are provided with some example files, such as but you are free and expected to reorganize things your way.
  • The tests are in picnic-assignment/tests. If you wish to add several types of tests, feel free to create new subdirectories. In tests you'll find a subdirectory:
    • resources/: Resources used for testing.
  • mount-my-scenarios/: This will be mounted as a volume to the Server. You can add new Scenarios, and they will be picked up. More details can be found here.
  • picnic-assignment/pyproject.toml: This file contains build system requirements and information, which are used by pip to build the package. If you prefer to use some different build system, this file can even be deleted!
    • Some optional dependencies are already defined for testing. You can add more.
    • This is where you'll add your project dependencies.
  • picnic-assignment/ Use this file to explain your solution to us.
  • Dockerfile: This file can be greatly improved. Some choices are very naive and suboptimal. In order to make sure that we can reproduce your environment as close as possible, feel free to change it to suit your needs. This gives you an idea of how your solution will be run on our systems. If you want to make sure it runs on our side, you must have a buildable Dockerfile.
  • docker-compose.yml: This runs both your Client and our Server in the same network. If running docker compose up --build works, you're on the right track!
  • Under tests/unit, a disabled test is defined. Consider getting it to pass ;).

Pick event type specification

Field Type Description
id String A unique identifier
timestamp String The time at which the event was emitted; formatted as an ISO 8601 UTC date-time string
picker Object Picker object, see below
article Object Article object, see below
quantity Integer The number of articles picked

Picker type specification

Field Type Description
id String A unique identifier
name String The person's name
active_since String The time the picker clocked in to start working; formatted as an ISO 8601 UTC date-time string

Article type specification

Field Type Description
id String A unique identifier
name String An English, human-readable name
temperature_zone String Either ambient or chilled

Example input event JSON representation

The following JSON object is an example of the kind of event that may be received from polling the Server. Note how it matches the specification above. There is one difference: you may assume that the received events are comprised of a single line. (i.e., they are not formatted.)

  "timestamp": "2018-12-20T11:50:48Z",
  "id": "2344",
  "picker": {
    "id": "14",
    "name": "Joris",
    "active_since": "2018-12-20T08:20:15Z"
  "article": {
    "id": "13473",
    "name": "ACME Bananas",
    "temperature_zone": "ambient"
  "quantity": 2


We would like you to create a pull request that implements the functionality listed below.

  • A CLI event-process with at least:
    • Two positional arguments:
      • 0: Max events (int), a sufficient condition to stop a run;
      • 1: Max time (float), in seconds, a sufficient condition to stop a run.
    • Two options:
      • -o/--output-file (str), path to the output result.
        Default: picnic-assignment/output-%run_id%.json, where %run_id% is the number of the run (0, 1, 2, ..., r-1).
      • -r/--runs (int), how many times the Client calls the Server.
        Default: 1.
        Special value: 0: Indefinitely.
  • The following Environment variable:
    • PICNIC_SERVER_URL: The API endpoint of the Picnic Server.
      Default: http://localhost:80.
  • The CLI respects the given max_events and max_time. For example, event-process 100 30 returns after reading at most 100 events or after 30 seconds, whichever condition is met first.
  • Each execution should process the events it receives as follows:
    • Only pick events corresponding to picks of ambient articles are retained. (Picks of chilled articles do count towards the max_events limit but are otherwise ignored.)
    • Events must be grouped by picker.
    • Pickers must be sorted chronologically (ascending) by their active_since timestamp, breaking ties by ID.
    • The picks per picker must also be sorted chronologically, ascending. (Note that events may not arrive in chronological order!)
    • The article names should be uppercase.
  • The result of the aforementioned filter, group and sort operations must be written to the provided output file according to the following JSON format:
        "picker_name": "Joris",
        "active_since": "2018-09-20T08:20:00Z",
        "picks": [
            "article_name": "ACME BANANAS",
            "timestamp": "2018-12-20T11:50:48Z"
          ... more picks here ...
      ... more pickers here ...

For a complete example of expected input and corresponding output, compare the contents of the following two provided files:


  • Feel free to add/modify dependencies in pyproject.toml.
  • Any file can be modified / deleted, as long as there are still the following entry points:
    • Docker: the initial docker-compose.yml would still execute properly, if it were still there;
    • Shell: the aforementioned event-process CLI exists and is path agnostic;
    • Python: the function at picnic.assignment.__main__:entry executes the task with no arguments.
  • Please state your full name in the title of the pull request.
  • When you're done, notify the recruiter via email as mentioned in the email you received.


  • We value clean, readable, modern, and idiomatic Python. Your code will be reviewed by other developers, so make sure it is easy to follow and well-structured.
  • Avoid doing manual JSON parsing. It's prone to errors and hard to read.
  • Don't feel the need to over-engineer your solution. We don't expect you to build an entire system that can scale to billions of events. Your solution should be tailored to the problem statement. We prefer concise and simple solutions over lengthy ones. However, it should be straightforward to let the program behave differently, such as have a different timeout, filter on a different temperature zone, etc...
  • It should really not be necessary to write more than, say, 500 lines of non-test code. (And in fact, it is possible to write a "perfect" solution using much less code than that.)


Events reader | Backend challenge of






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