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We use bolt to manage workspaces in this repository.


Packages can be easily installed using npm. For example:

npm i @nikita-beewise-test/icon

Creating a new component

Hygen is used to create new components. The current template is located in /_templates/component/new folder.

To create a new component run the following command:

npx bolt generate:component <componentsName>

Installing and building

To install dependencies and build all packages, run the following commands:

npx bolt
npx bolt build

Developing and testing

Storybook is used for package development and testing. To start the storybook run the following command:

npm start

Preparing for push

Adding dependency to a package

Don't forget to add dependencies to packages. For example: if you need @nikita-beewise-test/icon package in @nikita-beewise-test/button just run the following command:

npx bolt w @nikita-beewise-test/button add @nikita-beewise-test/icon [-P|-D]


  • -P for peer dependency;
  • -D for dev dependency

Version management

The changesets is used for versions managing. After modifying the package, you must run the following command:

npx changeset

This will give you the following prompt:

Which packages would you like to include? …
- changed packages
  ✔ @nikita-beewise-test/icon
- unchanged packages

Using up, down and space keys select the packages you want to include in the changeset.

Which packages should have a major bump? …
✔ @nikita-beewise-test/icon@0.0.2

Using up, down and space keys select the packages that will receive a major change (same for minor and patch).

Finish up by writing a (more-or-less) meaningful message.

You can bump versions of all packages and update dependencies by running:

npx changeset version


Before publishing, you must build all packages by running the following command

npx bolt
npx bolt build

After that, publish it to the npm registry using the following command:

npx bolt w @nikita-beewise-test/icon exec -- npm publish --access public


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