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Full-stack web app for booking flight tickets. .NET CORE 3 + React.js. ITechArt intership 2019

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Frontend part of application was created with React.js library. The version of library I used is 16.8.6. To run it, first of all, you need to install node.js ( Also you can find all the packages to run application in package.json and install them just running npm install command. The list of used libraries:

Where can i configure application behaviour? About config.json

  • API_URL | define url of your backend application
  • BOOK_TYPES | book types. You need to keep them the same as on backend
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID | define your google client for google-athentification
  • DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT | default page size for render flights and airplanes


Backend part of application was created with core 3.0. To run it, you need to install .net core 3 or later on your pc (

Server uses REST-api architecture (

I used MS SQL Server as Database source and Dapper library as micro-ORM to work with it.

All business-logic unit-tests were written using MSTest library.

The list of third-party libraries i used in project:

Where can i configure application behaviour? About appsettings.json

I tried to wrote application, that can be modified for your goals. By changing appsettings.json you can change some parameteres, to make application work as you need.

There a couple of sections in config file:

  • Connection string

Change it to connect application with your MS SQL server.

  • Allowed origins

Here you need to define origins of trusted client' applications that can use server.

  • Jwt settings

Secret | define your own secret key for creating jwt tokens.
ExpirationTime | time after jwt token becomes non-valid
Issuer | address of your server

  • Booking settings

ExpirationTime | the time server waits for booking seat payment
TimeUntilBookingAvailable | the time until user can book a flight' seat

  • Account updating settings

NameUpdatingInterval | the time after user can update it' name again
AvatarUpdatingInterval | the time after user can update it' avatar again

  • Files uploading settings

StoragePath | path on yout local machine where files will be storing
AllowedExtensions | file extensions that user can upload to the server (in this application you need only images)
MaxMbSize | maximum size of file in megabytes
StaticFilesCatalogName | the catalog name, which users can use to get files
StaticFilesHost | address of files server

  • Pagination settings

MaxPageLimit | count of items user can query by one time
DefaultPage | default number of page that uses if user don't define it in request
DefaultPageSize | default page size that uses if user don't define it in request

  • Profile caching settings

CachingTime | the time of user info caching
PhotoKey | the key application uses to save and load path to user' image
FlightHistoryKey | the key application uses to save and load user' flight history

  • Serilog

You can how read how to tune logger settings in official serilog documentation (


Full-stack web app for booking flight tickets. .NET CORE 3 + React.js. ITechArt intership 2019






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