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Bobko Linux & macOS .dotfiles

The repo contains my configs for the CLI and some GUI apps. It's mostly CLI oriented environment


⭐ VIM as a default $EDITOR

I always thought that VIM is some sort of ancient software that people still use for some reason, but one day I read "Practical VIM", and it changed everything. VIM is awesome. IMO, the best way to explore VIM by reading "Practical Vim" by Drew Neil.

  • VIM isn't just a editor, it's entirely different paradigm. It's a concept that allows a more efficient text manipulations. If you do programming or a lot of writing, then VIM is a must learn
  • VIM is so popular that its "hotkeys" are the only hotkeys you find supported in majority of software. You can stop learning a set of hotkeys for each software, and apply your knowledge of VIM hotkeys for:
  • VIM "hotkeys" are OS independent. The only modifier that VIM uses is CTRL, which is hopefully is on the same place on the keyboard (bottom left corner) on all computer OS'es. All other operations are performed using only QWERTY, which is obviously the same on all OS'es. (Yes, macOS, I'm looking at you with your custom CMD and OPT modifiers)

⭐ grep shortcut for 90% of use cases

gp - Basically, it's a grep --fixed-string --ignore-case alias. But there are small tweaks.

  • If you pipe something into gp, then it searched in stdin. Otherwise, it searches in text files in current dir recursively
  • Searches for the plain text match, not regex (because it's what's needed in 90%)
  • Ignores case by default (because it's what's needed in 90%)
  • No need to put quotes around the search query. gp search query and gp "search query" are equivalent
  • Uses -n to print line number by default. It's needed to make it possible to use gp in vim quickfix list

gp isn't a replacement for grep or rg. gp is a shortcut for grep functionality which is needed in 90% you use grep. For more complicated search queries I still use plain old grep.

Name explanation: Original grep stands for vim :global/regex/print command. If you drop the middle "REgex" part and use plain text match then you will get gp.

⭐ Better clipboard CLI tool

cb - Stands for "ClipBoard"

  • If you pipe something into cb, then it copies stdin into clipboard. If it's used without args and without stdin, it prints the current clipboard content.
  • If the argument is passed then cb interprets it as a relative path, and copies its normalized path to the clipboard (because CLI is my main environment, and I often need to copy path from CLI into some GUI app)
  • Linux and macOS are supported

⭐ dotfiles version control with pure git. No symlinks involved

d - "d" because "Dotfiles". d is just an alias for git -c status.showUntrackedFiles=no --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles --work-tree=$HOME "$@"


My Linux & macOS .dotfiles






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