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Oracle APEX Heatmap calendar plugin

Heatmap calendar is a region type plugin that shows year calendar where days are arranged into columns by week, then grouped by month and years. The values are visualised as coloured cells per day. It is based on Mike Bostock’s Calendar View and uses D3 JavaScript library


  • Import plugin file "region_type_plugin_com_nikitsky_heatmap_calendar.sql" from source directory into your application


Heatmap calendar preview

Demo application

Plugin attributes

Plugin expects data from database. The query should return at least two columns: date and value. An additional label is possible. Plugin aggregates data on the day level summarising the value and concatenating labels.

Plugin attribute description
First year The first year to be shown on the calendar. If not provided, the current year is used
Years to show The number of years you want to display
Cell Size Size of day square in pixels
Date column Region SQL column with the date which should be highlighted on the calendar
Value column Region SQL column with numeric value to be visualised on the calendar
Date format mask Date format mask in d3-time-format
Legend type Legend can be a gradient or discrete. Gradient legend is drawn as a rectangle with gradient colour, Discrete legend has number of colours shown
Starting value Expected starting value. If it is empty or 'automatic' then the minimum value from the aggregated data
Starting colour Colour which represents the starting value.
Ending value Maximum expected value. If not specified or 'automatic' the maximum value from the aggregated data
Ending colour Colour which represents the ending value
Label column Region SQL column with a label to be added to the day value. It is optional
Tooltip To show the day value and labels as tooltip

Plugin advanced settings

There are some additional parameters which allow to customize calendar look. These parameters should be passed to plugin by the Initialization JavaScript Code.

option type description
dayCaption array Custom caption for weekdays (from Monday to Sunday), e.g. ['M','T','W','T','F','S','S']
monthCaption array Custom caption for month (from January to December), e.g. ['Jän', 'Feb', 'Mär', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dez']
repeatMonthCaption boolean If true, plugin will draw month captions for every year
colorRange array Although continuous scales typically have two values each in their domain and range, provided by the plugin attributes, you can specify more than two values produces a piecewise scale. For example, to create a diverging colour scale that interpolates between white and red for negative values, and white and green for positive values, you can pass the array: ["red", "white", "green"]. The colorRange overrides the Starting colour and Ending colour attributes
valueRange array If more than two colours used, the data range should be provided as well. For example, to create a diverging colour scale that interpolates between white and red for negative values, and white and green for positive values, you can pass the array: [-10,0, 10]. The valueRange overrides the Starting value and Ending value attributes
hideValue boolean Do not show value but only label
legendTicks number You can specify approximately count representative values from the values domain for legend. If count is not specified, it defaults to 5
tooltipClass string Css class to be used for the tooltip. You can define your own class or use Universal Theme CSS utility classes that define colour palette, e.g. 'u-color-16-bg' for lightblue tooltip
marginTop number Calendar top margin in pixels
marginRight number Calendar right margin in pixels
marginBottom number Calendar bottom margin in pixels
marginLeft number Calendar left margin in pixels
captionMonthSize number Height of month caption. Would be required to amend if you change font size of day_caption css class
captionDaySize number Width of day of week caption. Would be required to amend if you change font size of month_caption css class
captionYearSize number Width of day of week caption. Would be required to amend if you change font size of year_caption css class

Released under BSD license. © 2017 Valentine Nikitsky