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Commandsheet: display catalog of commands user uses often


What does it do? Exactly what the title says! (Or maybe more like: display catalog of commands you never remember how to use).

I came up with this project for one reason: there's always some of those commands I never remember how to use.

Commandsheet to the rescue! With it, you can document the commands of your liking (i.e. the commands you never know how to use) and what they do to a config file, which Commandsheet then reads and prints nicely to the screen for you. Nice and simple!


Commandsheet is available in PyPi!

python -m pip install commandsheet


You should have a basic config file set up before you can use Commandsheet. Check the next section to set up the config.

After setting up the config file, using Commandsheet is as easy as running:



Below is an example config file for Commandsheet. Copy the contents, create the file ~./config/commandsheet/commandsheet.ini and paste the contents there.

The name between the brackets denotes the start of a section. The name can be anything useful for you, for example '[my commands]'. To add entries under a section, separate the key and value with a '=', where the key on the left of the '=' is supposed to be a command or a command-sequence, and the value on the right a description for that command / command-sequence.

# commandsheet.ini

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.avi = convert input.mp4 to output.avi

unzip -d <dir> = unzip to <dir>
zip file1 file2 = zip files to
zip -r dir1 dir2 = zip dirs into
zip -r dir1 dir2 file1 file2 = zip dirs & files into

ls -l = list in long format
cp -v = copy and show what is happening

ip a = show interface configuration
ping <address> = ping address <address>