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File metadata and controls

100 lines (71 loc) · 2.31 KB

PGN parsing and writing


.. autofunction:: chess.pgn.read_game


If you want to export your game with all headers, comments and variations, you can do it like this:

>>> import chess
>>> import chess.pgn
>>> game = chess.pgn.Game()
>>> game.headers["Event"] = "Example"
>>> node = game.add_variation(chess.Move.from_uci("e2e4"))
>>> node = node.add_variation(chess.Move.from_uci("e7e5"))
>>> node.comment = "Comment"
>>> print(game)
[Event "Example"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "?"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
1. e4 e5 { Comment } *

Remember that games in files should be separated with extra blank lines.

>>> print(game, file=open("/dev/null", "w"), end="\n\n")

Use the :class:`~chess.pgn.StringExporter()` or :class:`~chess.pgn.FileExporter()` visitors if you need more control.

Game model

Games are represented as a tree of moves. Each :class:`~chess.pgn.GameNode` can have extra information, such as comments. The root node of a game (:class:`~chess.pgn.Game` extends the :class:`~chess.pgn.GameNode`) also holds general information, such as game headers.

.. autoclass:: chess.pgn.Game

.. autoclass:: chess.pgn.GameNode


Visitors are an advanced concept for game tree traversal.

.. autoclass:: chess.pgn.BaseVisitor

The following visitors are readily available.

.. autoclass:: chess.pgn.GameBuilder
    :members: handle_error, result

.. autoclass:: chess.pgn.HeadersBuilder

.. autoclass:: chess.pgn.BoardBuilder

.. autoclass:: chess.pgn.SkipVisitor

.. autoclass:: chess.pgn.StringExporter

.. autoclass:: chess.pgn.FileExporter


Numeric anotation glyphs describe moves and positions using standardized codes that are understood by many chess programs. During PGN parsing, annotations like !, ?, !!, etc., are also converted to NAGs.

.. autodata:: chess.pgn.NAG_GOOD_MOVE
.. autodata:: chess.pgn.NAG_MISTAKE
.. autodata:: chess.pgn.NAG_BRILLIANT_MOVE
.. autodata:: chess.pgn.NAG_BLUNDER
.. autodata:: chess.pgn.NAG_SPECULATIVE_MOVE
.. autodata:: chess.pgn.NAG_DUBIOUS_MOVE


These functions allow for quickly skimming games without fully parsing them.

.. autofunction:: chess.pgn.read_headers

.. autofunction:: chess.pgn.skip_game