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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 21, 2022. It is now read-only.


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How to run the project


You will need:

Installing lsp-ws-proxy

To install lsp-ws-proxy, git clone its repository. From the lsp-ws-proxy root folder, run cargo build to build the program using Rust's build tool. The executable, lsp-ws-proxy, is in target/debug.

Initial set up

From the LogicalEnglish/vscode-package directory, run npm install. This installs all the node packages for the syntax highlighter, language server, and visual studio code client.

To set up the language server for the codemirror client, from LogicalEnglish/vscode-package/server, run npm link. (You may have to run this command as sudo). This creates the language server as a node package called le-server. Test that it launches without errors by running le-server --stdio. (This is supposed to produce no output.)

From the LogicalEnglish/codemirror-client directory, run npm install. This installs all the node packages for the codemirror client and its frontend.

Running the visual studio code client

From the LogicalEnglish/vscode-package directory, run code .. This launces Visual Studio Code in the vscode-package directory. This window, however, is for editing the project. To run the client, press Run -> Start Debugging. This launches a new Visual Studio Code window that is connected to the language server.

In the new window, you can make a new Logical English (your-file-name.le) file, or open an existing file. The language server and syntax highlighter will work on these files.

Running the codemirror client

From LogicalEnglish/vscode-package/server, run lsp-ws-proxy --listen -- le-server --stdio (notice the space between -- and le-server). This launches a WebSocket proxy to the language server that listens on port 8888 of local IP Check that the proxy works by opening in a browser. The webpage should say "OK".

In a separate terminal, from LogicalEnglish/codemirror-client/frontend, run npm run start. (If there is an error, you may have to first run export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider). This starts the codemirror client on localhost:4000.

Open localhost:4000 in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. You should see the codemirror editor.


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