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Spring Boot Application With React

Pre Requisites

  1. Clone Repository
  git clone
  1. Any IDE for Java Environment. I am using IntelliJ Ulitimate Student
  2. Docker Desktop installed on local machine

Setup PostgreSQL Docker container

  • Creating PostgreSQL Container
    docker run \
        --name=postgres_db \
        -v postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
        -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \
        -p 5432:5432 \
        --rm -d \
  • Run this command to log into Postgres database
      docker exec -it postgres_db psql -U postgres
  • Create new Database
      CREATE DATABASE v2_react_spring_demo;

Backend Setup (Spring Boot Application)

  • Open this project using any Java IDE
  • Install Maven Dependencies
  • Change file to change the PORT and Database properties
  • Before running the Application change the profile to dev using edit configuration

Frontend Setup (React)

  • Navigate to /src/frontend and install all dependencies via npm install
  • Create a new file .env.development on the root directory and set your BACKEND_HOST_URL (for example see .env.sample)
  • Run the frontend via npm start and open http://localhost:3000

Frontend Deployment

  • I deployed my frontend on the Netlify CDN.
  • Here I am describing the procedure for the same (Root directory src/frontend)
    • Install netlify-cli using npm
        npm install -D netlify-cli
    • Login to Netlify account
        netlify login
    • Create a new file .env.production which contains the BACKEND_HOST_URL (which hosted on some remote server)
    • Build the frontend project using npm run build
    • Deploy the project on the Netlify
        netlify deploy --prod -d build

Backend Deployment (API)

  • I deployed my Spring Boot Backend on the Digital Ocean Droplet and for the Database, I am using a PostgreSQL Database instance on the Digital Ocean Platform.

  • These are the steps to deploy the Backend to any Standalone VPS (Ubuntu 20+)

    • Create a new User (set the password as well for this user) and add the user to the sudoers Group

         $ sudo useradd nil1729
         $ usermod -aG sudo nil1729
    • Login using the new user ssh nil1729@<ip_address> and Setup Java environment

         $ sudo apt update
         $ sudo apt install default-jre
         $ java -version # 11.x.x
         $ sudo apt install default-jdk
         $ javac -version # 11.x.x
    • Install Maven

         $ sudo apt update
         $ sudo apt install maven
         $ mvn -version # 3.x.x
    • Clone the repository on the VPS (you may need a personal access token if repository is private)

    • Navigate to the project directory. First we need to create a application properties file for production environment with given properties.

          port: 5000
            include-message: always
            context-path: /api
               jdbc-url: jdbc:postgresql://<DATABASE_HOST_URL>:<DATABASE_PORT>/<DATABASE_NAME>
               username: <DATABASE_USER>
               password: <DATABASE_PASSWORD>
               maximum-pool-size: 20
         $ cd src/main/resources
         $ nano application-prod.yml
    • Install all dependencies and Create a JAR file to deploy

        $ mvn clean install -Pproduction-api-server
    • Now create a spring-react-p1.service file on user home directory with the following content

        Description=Spring Boot API
        ExecStart=java -jar <absolute path to JAR file>
    • Now set up the service file to execute by our system

        $ sudo cp spring-react-p1.service /etc/systemd/system/spring-react-p1.service
        $ sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/spring-react-p1.service
        $ sudo systemctl start spring-react-p1
        $ sudo systemctl status spring-react-p1
        $ sudo systemctl enable spring-react-p1
    • Now we can access our API(s) via http://<ip_address>:5000/api/v1/students.

    • Now we have to set up Firewall to allow only http, https and ssh traffic.

        $ sudo ufw enable
        $ sudo ufw status
        $ sudo ufw allow ssh (Port 22)
        $ sudo ufw allow http (Port 80)
        $ sudo ufw allow https (Port 443)
    • Setup Nginx to pass the incoming http traffic to http://localhost:5000

        $ sudo apt install nginx
        $ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
    • Add the Following to the location part of the server block

          location / {
             proxy_pass http://localhost:5000; #whatever port your app runs on
             proxy_http_version 1.1;
             proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
             proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
             proxy_set_header Host $host;
             proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
    • Add SSL with Let's Encrypt

        $ sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
        $ sudo certbot --nginx -d -d

Testing Backend Locally

  • Start the Backend service using docker-compose
      $ docker-compose up backend
  • Stop all containers after testing the backend
      $ docker-compose down
