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File metadata and controls

121 lines (94 loc) · 5.37 KB

Writing a dataset converter

The HDF5 file format is developed by The HDF Group. It is an open, binary file format with good support in a number of programming languages including Python. In principal, you could use any language to create your dataset converter but we would recommend the Python language and we have not tried writing converters in another other language. Working with HDF5 files is really easy in Python using Pandas (which, in turn, uses the excellent PyTables package).


If you haven't done so already, then it might be worth reading the Pandas tutorial on working with HDF5 files in Pandas.

If you would like to contribute a new dataset converter (or just better understand the existing converters) then the best way to get up to speed is probably to read this document first. This document explains the layout of data in a NILMTK HDF5 file. Then take a look at the REDD converter for NILMTK (in nilmtk/nilmtk/dataset_converters/redd).

NILMTK dataset converters output an HDF5 file which contains both the time series data from each meter as well as all relevant metadata.

Time series data

Data from each physical meter is stored in its own table (i.e. there is a one-to-one relationship between tables in the HDF5 file and physical meters).

Table location (keys)

Tables in HDF5 are identified by a hierarchical key. Each key is a string. Levels in the hierarchy are separated by a / character in the key. NILMTK uses keys in the form /building<i>/elec/meter<j> where i and j are integers starting from 1. i is the building instance and j is the meter instance. For example, the table storing data from meter instance 1 in building instance 1 would have the key /building1/elec/meter1. (We use elec in the hierarchy to allow us, in the future, to add support for other sensor types like water and gas meters).

Contents of each table


power energy voltage
active reactive
2014-07-01T05:00:14+00:00 0.1 0.01 231.1
2014-07-01T05:00:15+00:00 100.5 10.5 232.1

Index column

The index column is a datetime represented on disk as a nano-second precision (!) UNIX timestamp stored as an unsigned 64-bit int. In Python, we used a timezone-aware numpy.datetime64. The dataframe must be sorted in ascending order on the index (timestamp) column.

Measurement columns

Every column apart from the index column holds a measurement taken by the meter. These measurements could be power demand, energy, cumulative energy, voltage or current. Each measurement is represented as 32-bit floating point number.

We always use SI units or SI derived units and NILMTK assumes that no unit prefix (e.g. 'kilo-' or 'mega-') has been applied. In other words, NILMTK assumes a unit multiplier of 1. For example, we always use watts (not kW) for active power. If the source dataset uses, say, kW then please multiply these values by 1000 in your converter.

Column labels

Column labels are hierarchical with 2 levels (hierarchical labels are very well supported by Pandas). The top level describes the physical_quantity being measured. The seconds level describes the type which, at present, is used for energy and power columns to describe whether the alternating current measurement is apparent, active or reactive. We use a controlled vocabulary for both physical_quanitity and type. For the full details of this controlled vocabulary, please see the documentation for physical_quantity and type under the measurements property for the MeterDevice object in NILM Metadata.


We use zlib to compress our HDF5 files. bzip2 results in slightly smaller files (261 MB for bzip2 versus 273 MB for zlib for REDD) but doesn't appear to be compatible with HDFView.


In order for NILMTK to be able to load the dataset, we need to add metadata to the HDF5 file. NILMTK uses the NILM Metadata schema.

If the dataset is already described in YAML using the NILM Metadata schema then just call nilm_metadata.convert_yaml_to_hdf5().

If the dataset is not already described using the NILM Metadata schema then it will be necessary to do so. If it is a small dataset then you could manually write the YAML files and then convert these to HDF5 (this is how our REDD converter works). If it is a large dataset then it would be better to programmatically convert the dataset's own metadata to NILM Metadata and store the metadata directly in the HDF5 file. For an introduction to NILM Metadata first read the README and then the tutorial and finally refer to the dataset_metadata doc page for the full description of the metadata schema.