... is a heuristic backtracking solver for abstract argumentation
Run build, make sure that eigen3 is installed.
Run e.g. 'heureka -p EE-ST -f example.tgf' or 'heureka -p DC-ST -a a12 -f example.tgf'
- -p the problem in the form (EE|SE|DS|DC)-(CO|PR|ST|GR), where
- EE enumerate all extensions
- SE find single extension
- DS decide sceptically
- DC decide credulously
- CO complete
- PR preferred
- ST stable
- GR grounded
- -f source file either in .tgf or .apx format
- -a the argument which shall be justified (only in case of DS and DC)
- -H the used heuristic
- -d debug information, either short or verbose, lets the solver print debug information
- -fo the file format, either apx or tgf (is otherwise infered from the file ending)
If the paramter -H is used, a custom heuristic is constructed from it, e.g. heureka -EE-CO -f ex.apx -H "/ + outdeg 1 + indeg 1" uses a heuristic h(x) = (outdeg(x)+1)/(indeg(x)+1). Heuristics can be constructed out of the following components:
- + a b, - a b, * a b, / a b and ^ a b are mathematical operations in Polish notation
- deg in out, indeg and outdeg are indegree and outdegree respectively
- dynindeg is the number of attackers not defeated by the current partial extension
- dynoutdeg is the number of attacks on attackers of the current partial solution
- path indepth inalpha outdepth outalpha is based on paths, inpath and outpath have preset parameters
- scc sorts arguments according to its strongly connected component, a component is sorted after all compnents it depends on