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added strscans stdlib module
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Araq committed May 10, 2016
1 parent 724cd63 commit b357e80
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Showing 5 changed files with 321 additions and 2 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion doc/lib.txt
Expand Up @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Collections and algorithms
* `sequtils <sequtils.html>`_
This module implements operations for the built-in seq type
which were inspired by functional programming languages.

String handling
Expand All @@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ String handling
* `parseutils <parseutils.html>`_
This module contains helpers for parsing tokens, numbers, identifiers, etc.

* `strscans <strscans.html>`_
This module contains a ``scanf`` macro for convenient parsing of mini languages.

* `strtabs <strtabs.html>`_
The ``strtabs`` module implements an efficient hash table that is a mapping
from strings to strings. Supports a case-sensitive, case-insensitive and
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions lib/pure/parseutils.nim
Expand Up @@ -173,6 +173,22 @@ proc parseUntil*(s: string, token: var string, until: char,
result = i-start
token = substr(s, start, i-1)

proc parseUntil*(s: string, token: var string, until: string,
start = 0): int {.inline.} =
## parses a token and stores it in ``token``. Returns
## the number of the parsed characters or 0 in case of an error. A token
## consists of any character that comes before the `until` token.
var i = start
while i < s.len:
if s[i] == until[0]:
var u = 1
while i+u < s.len and u < until.len and s[i+u] == until[u]:
inc u
if u >= until.len: break
result = i-start
token = substr(s, start, i-1)

proc parseWhile*(s: string, token: var string, validChars: set[char],
start = 0): int {.inline.} =
## parses a token and stores it in ``token``. Returns
Expand Down
296 changes: 296 additions & 0 deletions lib/pure/strscans.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2016 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.

This module contains a `scanf`:idx: macro that can be used for extracting
substrings from an input string. This is often easier than regular expressions.
Some examples as an apetizer:
.. code-block:: nim
# check if input string matches a triple of integers:
const input = "(1,2,4)"
var x, y, z: int
if scanf("($i,$i,$i)", input, x, y, z):
echo "matches and x is ", x, " y is ", y, " z is ", z
# check if input string matches an ISO date followed by an identifier followed
# by whitespace and a floating point number:
var year, month, day: int
var identifier: string
var myfloat: float
if scanf("$i-$i-$i $w$s$f", input, year, month, day, identifier, myfloat):
echo "yes, we have a match!"
As can be seen from the examples, strings are matched verbatim except for
substrings starting with ``$``. These constructions are available:
================= ========================================================
``$i`` Matches an integer. This uses ``parseutils.parseInt``.
``$f`` Matches a floating pointer number. Uses ``parseFloat``.
``$w`` Matches an ASCII identifier: ``[A-Z-a-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*``.
``$s`` Skips optional whitespace.
``$$`` Matches a single dollar sign.
``$.`` Matches if the end of the input string has been reached.
``$*`` Matches until the token following the ``$*`` was found.
The match is allowed to be of 0 length.
``$+`` Matches until the token following the ``$+`` was found.
The match must consist of at least one char.
``${foo}`` User defined matcher. Uses the proc ``foo`` to perform
the match. See below for more details.
``$[foo]`` Call user defined proc ``foo`` to **skip** some optional
parts in the input string. See below for more details.
================= ========================================================
Even though ``$*`` and ``$+`` look similar to the regular expressions ``.*``
and ``.+`` they work quite differently, there is no non-deterministic
state machine involved and the matches are non-greedy. ``[$*]``
matches ``[xyz]`` via ``parseutils.parseUntil``.
Furthermore no backtracking is performed, if parsing fails after a value
has already been bound to a matched subexpression this value is not restored
to its original value. This rarely causes problems in practice and if it does
for you, it's easy enough to bind to a temporary variable first.
Startswith vs full match
``scanf`` returns true if the input string **starts with** the specified
pattern. If instead it should only return true if theres is also nothing
left in the input, append ``$.`` to your pattern.
User definable matchers
One very nice advantage over regular expressions is that ``scanf`` is
extensible with ordinary Nim procs. The proc is either enclosed in ``${}``
or in ``$[]``. ``${}`` matches and binds the result
to a variable (that was passed to the ``scanf`` macro) while ``$[]`` merely
optional tokens.
In this example, we define a helper proc ``skipSep`` that skips some separators
which we then use in our scanf pattern to help us in the matching process:
.. code-block:: nim
proc someSep(input: string; start: int; seps: set[char] = {':','-','.'}): int =
# Note: The parameters and return value must match to what ``scanf`` requires
result = 0
while input[start+result] in seps: inc result
if scanf("$w${someSep}$w", input, key, value):
It also possible to pass arguments to a user definable matcher:
.. code-block:: nim
proc ndigits(input: string; start: int; intVal: var int; n: int): int =
# matches exactly ``n`` digits. Matchers need to return 0 if nothing
# matched or otherwise the number of processed chars.
var x = 0
var i = 0
while i < n and i+start < input.len and input[i+start] in {'0'..'9'}:
x = x * 10 + input[i+start].ord - '0'.ord
inc i
# only overwrite if we had a match
if i == n:
result = n
intVal = x
# match an ISO date extracting year, month, day at the same time.
# Also ensure the input ends after the ISO date:
var year, month, day: int
if scanf("${ndigits(4)}-${ndigits(2)}-${ndigits(2)}$.", "2013-01-03", year, month, day):

import macros, parseutils

proc conditionsToIfChain(n, idx, res: NimNode; start: int): NimNode =
assert n.kind == nnkStmtList
if start >= n.len: return newAssignment(res, newLit true)
var ifs: NimNode = nil
if n[start+1].kind == nnkEmpty:
ifs = conditionsToIfChain(n, idx, res, start+3)
ifs = newIfStmt((n[start+1],
newTree(nnkStmtList, newCall(bindSym"inc", idx, n[start+2]),
conditionsToIfChain(n, idx, res, start+3))))
result = newTree(nnkStmtList, n[start], ifs)

proc notZero(x: NimNode): NimNode = newCall(bindSym"!=", x, newLit 0)

proc buildUserCall(x: string; args: varargs[NimNode]): NimNode =
let y = parseExpr(x)
result = newTree(nnkCall)
if y.kind in nnkCallKinds: result.add y[0]
else: result.add y
for a in args: result.add a
if y.kind in nnkCallKinds:
for i in 1..<y.len: result.add y[i]

macro scanf*(pattern: static[string]; input: string; results: varargs[typed]): bool =
## See top level documentation of his module of how ``scanf`` works.
template matchBind(parser) {.dirty.} =
var resLen = genSym(nskLet, "resLen")
conds.add newLetStmt(resLen, newCall(bindSym(parser), input, results[i], idx))
conds.add resLen.notZero
conds.add resLen

var i = 0
var p = 0
var idx = genSym(nskVar, "idx")
var res = genSym(nskVar, "res")
result = newTree(nnkStmtListExpr, newVarStmt(idx, newLit 0), newVarStmt(res, newLit false))
var conds = newTree(nnkStmtList)
var fullMatch = false
while p < pattern.len:
if pattern[p] == '$':
inc p
case pattern[p]
of '$':
var resLen = genSym(nskLet, "resLen")
conds.add newLetStmt(resLen, newCall(bindSym"skip", input, newLit($pattern[p]), idx))
conds.add resLen.notZero
conds.add resLen
of 'w':
if i < results.len or getType(results[i]).typeKind != ntyString:
matchBind "parseIdent"
error("no string var given for $w")
inc i
of 'i':
if i < results.len or getType(results[i]).typeKind != ntyInt:
matchBind "parseInt"
error("no int var given for $d")
inc i
of 'f':
if i < results.len or getType(results[i]).typeKind != ntyFloat:
matchBind "parseFloat"
error("no float var given for $f")
inc i
of 's':
conds.add newCall(bindSym"inc", idx, newCall(bindSym"skipWhitespace", input, idx))
conds.add newEmptyNode()
conds.add newEmptyNode()
of '.':
if p == pattern.len-1:
fullMatch = true
error("invalid format string")
of '*', '+':
if i < results.len or getType(results[i]).typeKind != ntyString:
var min = ord(pattern[p] == '+')
var q=p+1
var token = ""
while q < pattern.len and pattern[q] != '$':
token.add pattern[q]
inc q
var resLen = genSym(nskLet, "resLen")
conds.add newLetStmt(resLen, newCall(bindSym"parseUntil", input, results[i], newLit(token), idx))
conds.add newCall(bindSym"!=", resLen, newLit min)
conds.add resLen
error("no string var given for $" & pattern[p])
inc i
of '{':
inc p
var nesting = 0
let start = p
while true:
case pattern[p]
of '{': inc nesting
of '}':
if nesting == 0: break
dec nesting
of '\0': error("expected closing '}'")
else: discard
inc p
let expr = pattern.substr(start, p-1)
if i < results.len:
var resLen = genSym(nskLet, "resLen")
conds.add newLetStmt(resLen, buildUserCall(expr, input, results[i], idx))
conds.add newCall(bindSym"!=", resLen, newLit 0)
conds.add resLen
error("no var given for $" & expr)
inc i
of '[':
inc p
var nesting = 0
let start = p
while true:
case pattern[p]
of '[': inc nesting
of ']':
if nesting == 0: break
dec nesting
of '\0': error("expected closing ']'")
else: discard
inc p
let expr = pattern.substr(start, p-1)
conds.add newCall(bindSym"inc", idx, buildUserCall(expr, input, idx))
conds.add newEmptyNode()
conds.add newEmptyNode()
else: error("invalid format string")
inc p
var token = ""
while p < pattern.len and pattern[p] != '$':
token.add pattern[p]
inc p
var resLen = genSym(nskLet, "resLen")
conds.add newLetStmt(resLen, newCall(bindSym"skip", input, newLit(token), idx))
conds.add resLen.notZero
conds.add resLen
result.add conditionsToIfChain(conds, idx, res, 0)
if fullMatch:
result.add newCall(bindSym">=", idx, newCall(bindSym"len", input))
result.add res

when isMainModule:
proc twoDigits(input: string; x: var int; start: int): int =
if input[start] == '0' and input[start+1] == '0':
result = 2
x = 13
result = 0

proc someSep(input: string; start: int; seps: set[char] = {';',',','-','.'}): int =
result = 0
while input[start+result] in seps: inc result

var key, val: string
var intval: int
var floatval: float
doAssert scanf("$w$s::$s$w$s$i $f", "abc:: xyz 89 33.25", key, val, intval, floatVal)
doAssert key == "abc"
doAssert val == "xyz"
doAssert intval == 89
doAssert floatVal == 33.25

let xx = scanf("$$$i", "$abc", intval)
doAssert xx == false

let xx2 = scanf("$$$i", "$1234", intval)
doAssert xx2

let yy = scanf("$[someSep]Breakpoint${twoDigits}$[someSep({';','.','-'})] [$+]$.", ";.--Breakpoint00 [output]", intVal, key)
doAssert yy
doAssert key == "output"
doAssert intVal == 13
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions web/news.txt
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ Library Additions
- The rlocks module has been added providing reentrant lock synchronization
- A generic "sink operator" written as ``&=`` has been added to the ``system`` and the ``net`` modules.
- Added ``strscans`` module that implements a ``scanf`` for easy input extraction.
- Added a version of ``parseutils.parseUntil`` that can deal with a string ``until`` token. The other
versions are for ``char`` and ``set[char]``.

Compiler Additions
Expand All @@ -62,6 +65,7 @@ Language Additions
- Nim now supports ``partial`` object declarations to mitigate the problems
that arise when types are mutually dependent and yet should be kept in
different modules.
- ``include`` statements are not restricted to top level statements anymore.

2016-01-27 Nim in Action is now available!
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion web/website.ini
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ srcdoc2: "pure/concurrency/threadpool.nim;pure/concurrency/cpuinfo.nim"
srcdoc: "system/threads.nim;system/channels.nim;js/dom"
srcdoc2: "pure/os;pure/strutils;pure/math;pure/matchers;pure/algorithm"
srcdoc2: "pure/stats;impure/nre;windows/winlean"
srcdoc2: "pure/complex;pure/times;pure/osproc;pure/pegs;pure/dynlib"
srcdoc2: "pure/complex;pure/times;pure/osproc;pure/pegs;pure/dynlib;pure/strscans"
srcdoc2: "pure/parseopt;pure/parseopt2;pure/hashes;pure/strtabs;pure/lexbase"
srcdoc2: "pure/parsecfg;pure/parsexml;pure/parsecsv;pure/parsesql"
srcdoc2: "pure/streams;pure/terminal;pure/cgi;pure/unicode"
Expand Down

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