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Maven archetype to create new Trino plugins. It provides:

  • source code to build a plugin that defines one example table called single_row, with 3 columns: id, type and name, that always returns a single row with values x, default-value (from the config class) and my-name
  • integration tests for this plugin, that run it and performs a SELECT query
  • a basic
  • a LICENSE file with the Apache License 2.0
  • Maven wrapper
  • a Dockerfile to build an image based on Trino, but without any other plugins
  • a script to build and push the image with all the required build arguments, like the version number
  • Github Actions (GHA) workflows for checking pull-requests and releasing new versions on every push to master

Note that the GHA workflows do not publish to Maven Central yet, only to Github's Maven repository in the same repository


This archetype is not yet published to Maven Central, so install it first:

mvn clean install

Then run the following, which will create a new directory with the plugin project:

mvn archetype:generate \ \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=trino-plugin-archetype \
  -DarchetypeVersion=1.11 \
  -DgroupId=$my_group_id \
  -DartifactId=$my_artifact_id \
  -DclassPrefix=$class_prefix \
  -DconnectorName=$connector_name \
  -DgithubOwner=$github_owner \

Create a Github repository to host the plugin, then make the initial commit and push it:

cd <my-artifactId>
git init
git add --all .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main

Note that the release workflow requires the following secrets to be set: