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And/Or Tree Ensemble for inferring accurate Boolean network topology and dynamics


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And/Or Tree Ensemble for inferring accurate Boolean network topology and dynamics

Note: please note that set.seed() is not suitable for the Package parallel. In order to make the results reproducible, we introduced function clusterSetRNGStream(), more deatails please see the Pacakge parallel.

# Install devtools from CRAN

# Download the development version of ATEN from GitHub:

# Load it to library


And/Or tree:
We use Lists to represent an And/Or tree (i.e., a Boolean function). For instance, assuming we have a network consisting of 5 nodes in which the target node is x1 with its Boolean function f. Here, please note that we use time-series data, namely we have x1(t+1)=f(x1)(t), where t corresponds to the time point.

Suppose we have f(x1)(t) = x1||x2&&!x3||!x2&&x5(t), we can denote the Boolean function f with tree<-list(1,c(2,8),c(4,5)) The integer 1/2/4 smaller than 5 (the number of nodes) represent the 1st/2nd/5th node respectively; and the integer 8 greater than 5 represents the (8-5)rd node.

We present the prime implicant using the same way

Network inference:

  • Step. 1 Generate a random Boolean network. We use the R package BoolNet to generate a random Boolean network.

    # Load BoolNet and ATEN to library
    # ngenes is the number of nodes in a Boolean network
    # k is the maximum number of genes 
    # Call generateRandomNKNetwork() to generate a Boolean network, for more deatils about arguments used in generateRandomNKNetwork, see package BoolNet
    net1<-generateRandomNKNetwork(ngenes, k, topology="scale_free",simplify=TRUE,readableFunctions=TRUE)
    # See net1
    > net1
    Boolean network with 10 genes
    Involved genes:
    Gene1 Gene2 Gene3 Gene4 Gene5 Gene6 Gene7 Gene8 Gene9 Gene10
    Transition functions:
    Gene1 = (!Gene1)
    Gene2 = (Gene8)
    Gene3 = (Gene10)
    Gene4 = (Gene10)
    Gene5 = (Gene2 & Gene3)
    Gene6 = (Gene4)
    Gene7 = (!Gene2) | (!Gene5)
    Gene8 = (!Gene8) | (Gene4)
    Gene9 = (Gene5)
    Gene10 = (!Gene3)
  • Step. 2 Build the time-series data; the datalist is saved in a list as well.

    # The time-series data will be generated based on the Boolean functions in the network 'net1'.
    # numSeries and numPoints refer to the the number of time series and the number of time points in each time series, respectively.
    # noiseLevel represents that a gene state can randomly flipped (i.e., 0->1, 1->0) with the probability (noiseLevel*100)%
  • Step. 3 Select a target node, generate the bootstrap samples and out-of-bag (oob) samples for inferring and selecting prime implicants (PIs)

    # For instance, we select the 6th node as the target node
    # Generate the bootstrap samples and oob samples according to the time-series data
    # note that 'respinbag' and 'respoutbag' save the in-bag(bootstrap) and oob expression values of the target node, respectively
  • Step.4 Initilize the parameters used in ATEN

    # startT, endT and maxIter refer to the upper, lower temperature (on a log10 scale) and the maximum number of iterations used in simulated annealing algorithm, respectively
    # maxK represents the maximum number of input nodes of the target node. It is normally determined experimentally or empirically.
    # rate represents what percentage of PIs with lowest importances would be removed in each recursion
    # nodes represents the number of node in the Boolean network
    # We shall discuss how to tune those arguments later.
  • Step. 5 Find the important PIs

    # Load parallel computation to library
    # B represents how many trees would be generated in the forest
    # the relevant datalist and datasamples are also required for network inference
    # the last parameter 'seed' used in findPIs is for helping reproduce the results, we set it as 0 here.
    # In our case, we obtained 5 prime implicants after removing non-important ones
    > PIs
    [1] 4
    [1] 3
    [1]  4 19
    [1]  4  8 19
    [1]  4 13 18

    -Step. 6 Find the Boolean function according to those PIs and RFRE framework

    # Update the datasets so that the new datalist corresponds to the PIs
    # Identify the final Boolean function
    # the last parameter used in findBF() is for helping reproduce the results, we set it as 0 here.
    # Check the final solution we obtained

    Something new in ATEN. In some cases, Step. 6 is not required, for instance, using the same Boolean network but with noisy data this time

    # Generate the time-series data with 5% noise
    # Now selecte the first node as the target node
    # Generate the bootstrap samples and oob samples according to the time-series data
    # respinbag and respoutbag save the expression values of the target node
    # Find the important PIs
    # See PIs
    > PIs
    [1] "!Gene1"
    # We can find the result is not a list of PIs but the final Boolean function. 
    # In this way, Step.6 is not required.
    # There are two reasons why Step.5 directly returns the result:
    # 1) only 1 PI left after eliminating the non-important ones;
    # 2) after elimination, only a few PIs (=<4) left, we then directly build a And/Or tree.
    # Think about the 2nd reason, actually a better way is to invoke Best-Fit method there to find the optimal solution as Best-Fit can always fast find all putative Boolean functions.

Parameters setting
Someone would be interested in how to set the tree size (i.e. the maximum number of input genes of the target gene), please find more details in our Supplementary Data.

The other default parameters/arguments values are OK for small networks (<=10 nodes), but not the best; and you can make them better if you're willing to invest time in learning how to set the parameters/arguments.

  • B, the number of And/Or trees in ATEN. This parameter always depends on the size/noise of the data. We suggest you set a higher B for large/noisy networks. If you set a very large B, although it won't affect the results much, but it takes much time...

  • startT, the uppper temperature is not suggested to be very high, as more false pis would be introduced; and if it is too low, then only a 'local' solution space will be searched. But a higher termperature is still better than a lower one. Normally, we set it as 2.

  • endT, as the probability of acceptation depends on the temperature, we suggest tune it according to the number of acception iterations. You can print the acceptances/the quality of solutions if you want. In general, if there are many acceptances, lower end is better; if no acceptance in a row, raise it a bit. Normally, we set it as a negative value smaller than -2.

  • maxIter, the number of iterations. If only 5 input nodes are included, then 10000 iterations (>>2^2^5) are not reasonable and therefore we are thinking about introducing Best-fit method. Normally we suggest 10000 iterations if the network size is greater than 10 (2^2^10 possible Boolean functions). And if you find there are still many good solutions in the end, then you may need to increase the number of iterations and tune the endT as well. By default we set it as a value between 5000 and 10000.

And also any other good SA algorithms (or other heuristic algorithms) are also welcome to be introduced into ATEN. By the way, it is very easy to make ATEN as a feature selection tool before applying Best-Fit (i.e. finding all putative Boolean functions). We shall update it later.

  • However, we have to admit that this investment takes much time... Different sizes of networks have differnt in-degree. And also the number of PIs always changes in the RFRE framework, and it is not possible to tune parameters for each individual node. Hence in a word, we suggest using a higher startT in the beginning, and probably reduce it and the maxIter according to the result returned of each recursion. We did not try to identify what the best threshold is, but we think 10000 iterations perform well to handle the network with >100 nodes.

Future work

  • Besides what we discuss above, another direction is to make it adaptive for different sizes of networks (e.g. implement ATEN using C to speed up ATEN for larger networks).
  • We also expect our idea can be used for inferrng probabilistic Boolean networks and asynchronous networks.
  • Include Best-Fit or other approaches that can help ATEN find the optimal solutions.


Shi, N., Zhu, Z., Tang, K., Parker, D. and He, S., 2020. ATEN: And/Or tree ensemble for inferring accurate Boolean network topology and dynamics. Bioinformatics, 36(2), pp.578-585.

Müssel, C., Hopfensitz, M. and Kestler, H.A., 2010. BoolNet—an R package for generation, reconstruction and analysis of Boolean networks. Bioinformatics, 26(10), pp.1378-1380.

Lähdesmäki, H., Shmulevich, I. and Yli-Harja, O., 2003. On learning gene regulatory networks under the Boolean network model. Machine learning, 52(1-2), pp.147-167.


And/Or Tree Ensemble for inferring accurate Boolean network topology and dynamics







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