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Docker T-RMM Setup

  1. In env file change GATEWAY, SUBNET, and IP variables for the various networks and containers, API, APP, and MESH URL variables to suit environment. Edit remaining env to suit your config.

If running HAProxy on same system as docker containers, set http and https exp port variables to

Keep NATS exp port variable as 4222 and ensure firewall access. This requires a TCP only reverse proxy, and is not http traffic, so it cannot be routed through a proxy on port 443 along with the rest.

If running IPTables firewall in Drop All by default with HAProxy on the same system, make sure to add the following:

# This ensures communication because HAProxy and Docker don't play nice with Drop all by default
-A INPUT -i trmmproxy -p tcp -m multiport --sports 4443,8080 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i trmmproxy -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o trmmproxy -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o trmmnats -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

  1. Add RMM, API, and Mesh sites to /etc/hosts api-tactical rmm-tactical mesh-tactical

First Run:

  1. Bring up stack once, then immediately stop the stack.

  2. Copy valid fullchain cert and private key to "/path/to/docker/volumes/name_of_stack_data/_data/certs/" as fullchain.pem and privkey.pem respectively.

  3. Start stack, verify access after init complete.

  4. Log into and configure 2fa, as well as client remote access settings for notification, permission, etc.

T-RMM HAProxy config, baremetal

Requires HAProxy 2.4+


Make sure firewall rules are in place, then edit HAProxy config.

Assumes existing shared http to https redirect and https frontends. See full HAProxy config example in HAProxy-Example.cfg if starting from scratch for reference to configure global, default, and shared http redirect and https front ends before continuing.

Example for T-RMM, edit urls and ports to suit environment:

If not already present, add to both http and https shared frontends

option                          forwardfor
http-request add-header         X-Real-IP %[src]

Add http to https redirects for Mesh, RMM, and API in shared http frontend

acl                     rmm     var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i
acl                     api     var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i
acl                     mesh    var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i
http-request redirect scheme https  if  rmm
http-request redirect scheme https  if  api
http-request redirect scheme https  if  mesh

Add https frontend Mesh, RMM, and API entries

acl                     rmm     var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i
acl                     api     var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i
acl                     is_websocket    hdr(Upgrade) -i WebSocket
acl                     mesh    var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i
use_backend rmm-tactical.example.com_ipvANY  if  rmm
use_backend rmm-tactical.example.com_ipvANY  if  api
use_backend  if  is_websocket mesh
use_backend mesh-tactical.example.com_ipvANY  if  mesh

Add backends

backend rmm-tactical.example.com_ipvANY
        mode                    http
        log                     global
        timeout connect         30000
        timeout server          30000
        retries                 3
        http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(Host)]
        http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https
        server                  rmm ssl  verify none

        mode                    http
        log                     global
        timeout connect         3000
        timeout server          3000
        retries                 3
        timeout tunnel          3600000
        http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(Host)]
        http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https
        server                  mesh-websocket ssl  verify none

backend mesh-tactical.example.com_ipvANY
        mode                    http
        log                     global
        timeout connect         15000
        timeout server          15000
        retries                 3
        timeout tunnel          15000
        http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(Host)]
        http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https
        server                  mesh ssl  verify none

Restart HAProxy service.

Test access to and

T-RMM HAProxy config, PFSense

Example for T-RMM, edit urls and ports to suit environment:

Install HAProxy-devel package

Go to System > Package Manager

Screenshot 2022-04-24 092054

Select Available Packages

Screenshot 2022-04-24 092520

Find and install haproxy-devel

Screenshot 2022-04-24 092647

Firewall configuration

Go to Firewall > Rules

Screenshot 2022-04-24 093246

Select the WAN tab

Screenshot 2022-03-31 135621

Add the HAProxy_HTTP rule to the bottom of the list. Nothing else should have ports 80 or 443 in use.

Screenshot 2022-03-31 135726

HTTP rule:

Action = Pass

Interface = WAN

Address Family = IPv4

Source = any

Destination = This firewall (self)

Destination Port Range = From: HTTP (80), To: HTTP (80)

Log = Log packets optional

Description = HAProxy_HTTP

Screenshot 2022-04-24 094338

Save the new rule and apply changes

Copy the HTTP rule, changing the To and From ports to HTTPS (443) and the description to HAProxy_HTTPS

Save the new rule and apply changes

General HAProxy settings

Go to Services > HAProxy

Screenshot 2022-04-24 110804

Select the Settings tab

Fill in the entries as shown in the screen capture below, leaving the rest at defaults or tune them to your preference:

Enable HAProxy = Checked

Reload behavior = Checked (closes existing connections to force reconnect to updated process after haproxy restart)

SSL/TLS Compatibility Mode = Intermediate (allows for maximum compatibility with all devices, select Modern at your own risk)

Max SSL Diffie-Hellman size = 2048 or 4096 (dealers choice)

Screenshot 2022-04-24 101811

Save settings and apply changes

Shared HTTP to HTTPS redirect frontend

Go to the Frontend tab. Click the button to add a new frontend.

This shared http frontend will redirect all configured entries to their HTTPS equivalent and allow SSL offloading, as well as both internal and external access to the sites/services via URL.

Fill in the entries as shown in the screen captures below:

Name = http_shared

Description = http_shared

Status = Active

External address = Listen address: any (IPv4), Port: 80

Type = http / https(offloading)

Screenshot 2022-04-24 111255

Edit entries to suit your URLs

Access Control lists:

First ACL = Name: rmm , Expression: Host matches , Value:

Second ACL = Name: api , Expression: Host matches , Value:

Third ACL = Name: mesh , Expression: Host matches , Value:


First action = Action: http-request redirect , Condition acl names: rmm , rule: scheme https

Second action = Action: http-request redirect , Condition acl names: api , rule: scheme https

Third action = Action: http-request redirect , Condition acl names: mesh , rule: scheme https

Default Backend: None

Screenshot 2022-04-24 111257

Advanced Settings:

Use "forwardfor" option = checked

Use "httpclose" option = http-server-close

Advanced pass thru =

http-request add-header         X-Real-IP %[src]

Screenshot 2022-04-24 112830

Save and apply changes.

Shared HTTPS frontend

Copy the http to https redirect frontend, and edit it to match the settings below. Remove unnecessary settings.

Fill in the entries as shown in the screen captures below:

Name = https_shared

Description = https_shared

Status = Active

External address = Listen address: any (IPv4) , Port: 443 , SSL Offloading: checked

Type = http / https(offloading)

Screenshot 2022-04-24 120859

Advanced Settings:

Use "forwardfor" option = checked

Use "httpclose" option = http-server-close

Advanced pass thru =

http-request add-header         X-Real-IP %[src]

Screenshot 2022-04-24 112830

SSL Offloading

Certificate = configured LetsEncrypt Server cert , Add ACL for certificate Subject Alternative Names : checked

OCSP = checked

Screenshot 2022-04-24 121022

Save and apply changes.

Mesh backend

Go to the Backend tab and add a new backend.

Fill in the entries as shown in the screen captures below, changing entries to suit environment. Assumes port 4443 exposed on T-RMM proxy:

Name =

Server list = Mode: active , Name: mesh , Forwardto: Address+Port , Address: host server IP , Port: 4443 , Encrypt(SSL): yes/checked , SSL checks: no/unchecked

Connection timeout = 15000

Server timeout = 15000

Retries = 3

Health check method = none

Screenshot 2022-04-24 124136

Advanced settings

Backend pass thru =

timeout tunnel      15000
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(Host)]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https

Screenshot 2022-04-24 124205

Save and apply changes.

Mesh Websockets backend

Copy the mesh backend and edit it

Fill in the entries as shown in the screen captures below, changing entries to suit environment:

Name =

Server list = Mode: active , Name: mesh-websocket , Forwardto: Address+Port , Address: host server IP , Port: 4443 , Encrypt(SSL): yes/checked , SSL checks: no/unchecked

Connection timeout = 3000

Server timeout = 3000

Retries = 3

Health check method = none

Screenshot 2022-04-24 125249

Advanced settings

Backend pass thru =

timeout tunnel      3600000
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(Host)]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https

Screenshot 2022-04-24 125312

Save and apply changes.

RMM backend

Copy the mesh backend and edit it

Fill in the entries as shown in the screen captures below, changing entries to suit environment:

Name =

Server list = Mode: active , Name: rmm , Forwardto: Address+Port , Address: host server IP , Port: 4443 , Encrypt(SSL): yes/checked , SSL checks: no/unchecked

Connection timeout = 30000

Server timeout = 30000

Retries = 3

Health check method = none

Screenshot 2022-04-24 125931

Advanced settings

Backend pass thru =

http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(Host)]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https

Screenshot 2022-04-24 125949

Save and apply changes.

RMM frontend

Go to the Frontend tab and add a new frontend

Fill in the entries as shown in the screen captures below:

Name = rmm

Description =

Status = Active

Shared Frontend = checked

Primary frontend = https_shared - http

Screenshot 2022-04-24 130914

Access Control lists:

First ACL = Name: rmm , Expression: Host matches , Value:

Second ACL = Name: api , Expression: Host matches , Value:

Third ACL = Name: is_websocket , Expression: Custom acl , Value: hdr(Upgrade) -i WebSocket

Fourth ACL = Name: mesh , Expression: Host matches , Value:


First action = Action: Use Backend , Condition acl names: rmm , backend:

Second action = Action: Use Backend , Condition acl names: api , backend:

Third action = Action: Use Backend , Condition acl names: is_websocket mesh , backend:

Fourth action = Action: Use Backend , Condition acl names: mesh , backend:

Default Backend: None

Screenshot 2022-04-24 131654

Save and apply changes.

Test access to and








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