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Manabu Niseki edited this page Apr 9, 2022 · 7 revisions

Configuration should be stored in environment variables, or in a .env file.

Configuration items

Name Type Desc. Default
ARQ_DASHBOARD_REDIS_URL str (DatabaseURL) Default Redis URL (Redis URL of the default query) redis://localhost:6379
ARQ_DASHBOARD_MAX_AT_ONCE Optional[int] Maximum number of concurrently running tasks at any given time 10
ARQ_DASHBOARD_MAX_PER_SECONDS Optional[int] Number of tasks spawned per second None
ARQ_CACHE_TTL int Max time (seconds) for which a cached result is valid 60
ARQ_CACHE_SIZE int Max number of results that are cached 32
ARQ_DESERIALIZER Optional[Deserializer] Function that deserializes bytes into Python objects. None
ARQ_QUEUES Dict[str, RedisSettings]


ARQ_QUEUES (Dict[str, RedisSettings]) is a dict mapping a queue name to a Redis settings.

The following is the default value. (default_queue_name = arq:queue)

    default_queue_name: RedisSettings(

You can add a queue by updating this variable.

settings.ARQ_QUEUES["another.queue"] = RedisSettings(host="localhost", port=6379)


ARQ_DESERIALIZER (Optional[Deserializer]) is a function deserializes bytes into Python object. Defaults to pickle.loads.

You can set your own deserializer.

def deserializer(data: bytes):
    return ...

ARQ_DESERIALIZER = deserializer
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