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Allows you to explore and manage your favourite tvshows.


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Allows you to explore and manage your favorite tvshows. Check it live here.


  • NodeJS (ES6 JavaScript)
  • Web framework: Express
  • Render engine: Pug
  • Database: Postgres (w/ knex)
  • Authentication: Passport
  • Build tool: Gulp
  • Deployment: Docker


  1. Clone/Fork the repo
  2. Install dependencies
  3. Edit .env.sample and rename to .env
  4. Build client and server
  5. Deploy
    • With Docker: Build docker image, Run docker-compose up, Run
    • Witout Docker: Run db migrations, Run the app
  • The app's environment is 'development' by default. The differences between 'development' and 'production' are:
    • Sessions are stored in memory (dev) vs in redis (prod)
    • Static files are served by express (dev) vs other/external (eg: nginx) (prod)


This project structure is based on the MVC architecture, where there's a distinction between logic, data and views. I'm using pug to do server-side rendering which makes load times faster and because I felt it was more flexible at the time I started this project. This project is not supposed to be a production ready webapp (far from it) and was the first "big" project I've worked on. It allowed me to get familiar with the several different parts of building a Node/JS project: use a task runner and build tools (Gulp), design an API (Express), use Redis for session storing, authentication (Passport), database query-builder (knex), etc.. I'll probably write something more detailed on my blog, and remove this wall of text later.

More details

  • Authentication
    • Local (email + password)
    • Social (Facebook)
    • Misc:
      • Activation email with token
      • Recover password
      • Change password
      • Persistant login
  • Tvshows + Episodes
    • If the info is not in the db, it will reach into THETVDB API. Then it'll add it to the db.
    • Features:
      • Follow a tvshow
      • Set episode(s)/season(s) as watched
  • Watchlist
    • Keep track of all unwatched episodes of all the tvshows that you're following
  • Calendar
    • Calendar view of all episodes of all tvshows that you're following
  • External APIs used
      • Used to get tvshows info including episodes and art
      • Used to get IMDB's tvshows ratings


  • tvdb-api-cron.js
    • Ran as a child-process to refresh the THETVDB API authentication token. This token is only valid for 24h so there's a cronjob that refreshes the token in that interval. The token is then sent to the parent process. An alternative would be to store it in the database, but I took the oportunity to test new stuff like child-process' and cronjobs.
  • updatetvshows.js
    • This script queries the THETVDB API to know whether we should update the data on our db or not. I took advantage of the previous cronjob to call this script after the token refresh (every 24h)

What's missing

aka stuff I'd like to add/do but probably won't (at least in the near future)

  • Explore (random tvshows, sorted by genre/favourited/imdb rating/..)
  • More social authentication
  • User profile
    • Social features (sharing lists, episodes, etc)
    • Ability to have a public profile
    • Stats
  • Email newsletters/updates (all unwatched episodes for last week, month, eth; stats)
  • Testing
  • Improve the THETVDB token refresh flow
  • Logger
  • Rate limiting
  • Remove jQuery

MIT Licence


Allows you to explore and manage your favourite tvshows.







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