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JMeter Virtual Thread Group Plugin

Run 50k threads/users under 2.5G ..!!

This is a quick demonstration of using Java 21 Virtual threads for JMeter, which is a game changer for JMeter. Using virtual threads, we can reduce resource usage dramatically, and a single client would be able to put more load with very low memory usage."

Java 21 Virtual Threads: Java Virtual Threads (Project loom), introduced in Java 21, are lightweight threads provided by the Java platform. Unlike traditional threads, virtual threads are managed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and are intended to be more efficient and scalable.

JMeter: Apache JMeter is an open-source performance testing tool used for load testing, performance testing, and stress testing of web applications. It is often used to simulate multiple users or clients accessing a web server simultaneously to evaluate its performance.

Game Changer for JMeter: This phrase suggests that the introduction of Java 21 Virtual Threads has a significant positive impact on JMeter's capabilities. It implies that this feature greatly improves JMeter's performance and resource management.

Reducing Resource Usage Dramatically: Virtual threads are known for their efficiency and reduced overhead compared to traditional threads. By using virtual threads in JMeter, you can expect a substantial reduction in the amount of system resources (such as CPU and memory) required to run performance tests. This means you can simulate more users or clients with less hardware resources.

Single Client Handling More Load: With virtual threads, a single JMeter client (the machine running JMeter) can simulate a higher load on the target server or application. This is because virtual threads are lightweight and consume fewer resources, allowing a single JMeter instance to generate more concurrent requests without overloading the system.

Low Memory Usage: Traditional threads can be memory-intensive, especially when you have a large number of concurrent users in a JMeter test. Virtual threads, being lightweight, use significantly less memory. This is particularly beneficial when running JMeter on machines with limited RAM.


JDK 21

This project requires JDK 21 or higher. Before proceeding, make sure you have JDK 21 installed on your system. You can download and install JDK 21 from the official Oracle website or use an OpenJDK distribution.

JMeter Supporter Version

As of now the compatibility for this plugin has been tested to work for JMeter 5.6.2

Operating system

Available version v1.0 is working under MacOS with M1 chip. To be able to use it under windows please compile the source code under Windows with your desired architecture (x86 or x64).

This code has been also tested to work using Windows 10 Pro x64.

Note: Unofficial Windows version can be found here

Building from Source (Optional)

To use this JMeter plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd jmeter-loom
  3. Build the project using Maven:

    mvn clean install
  4. After a successful build, you will find the compiled JAR file in the target/ directory.

Using the Plugin in JMeter

  1. Build plugin from steps mentioned above or simply download latest from Releases Page

  2. Copy the generated JAR file from the target/ directory or download directory to the JMeter lib/ext/ directory.

    cp virtual-thread-group-plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar <path-to-jmeter>/lib/ext/
  3. Start or restart JMeter.

  4. You can now use the plugin in your JMeter test plans by adding the appropriate elements to your test plan.

  5. Add Virtual Thread Group element Alt Text

  6. Configure Threads. You will see title Virtual Thread Properties header for right thread group. Alt Text

  7. I employed a local Nginx server that responds with a 200 status code. My primary goal was to observe Jmeter's behavior without focusing on errors. See nginx.conf

    # nginx.conf 
    location /test {
        return 200 'OK';
  8. You might need to update system ulimit to avoid Too many open files errors

  9. Final Result. Alt Text

Warning: Thread Pinning

While this may have a Java-specific context, it's crucial to remember that any sampler component, element, or listener utilizing synchronized blocks or native JNI calls can lead to what's known as Thread pinning. In such cases, Virtual threads may not scale effectively due to a limited number of OS threads, potentially resulting in inconsistent or abnormal behavior.


If you'd like to contribute to this project, please fork the repository and create a pull request. We welcome contributions from the community!



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