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In order to get better at whitebox pentesting I started writing an web app in django.

During the building of this app I inserted inbuilt vulnerabilities that one can look up for them.

Also in this note I will explain how to exploit the vulnerabilities I inserted in purpose to the app and how to patch them, have fun!

You can run the image by using:

docker run -it -p 8000:8000 nirzaaa/django-cyberschool

And then open the app at localhost:8000

Table of Contents

Command Injection


Pickle Deserialization

SSTI Injection

Cookie based vulnerability


SQL Injection



Scraping with authenticate session

Command Injection

As you can see at main -> we are making use of eval which might lead to RCE.

In order to exploit it we will go to: and then:

I tried to patch it by using match, is it enough? hmmm...

# ==== The vulnetable code ==== #

result = eval(t)
return render(response, "main/show.html", {"t":t, "result":result, "hacker":False})

# ============================= #

# ==== The patch ==== #

x = re.match("[a-zA-Z]", t)
if x:
    hacker = True
    return render(response, "main/show.html", {"hacker":hacker})
    hacker = False
    result = eval(t)
    return render(response, "main/show.html", {"t":t, "result":result, "hacker":hacker})

# =================== #


Let's go to New Post and try to create a new post.

We just created a post! yay!! But we don't want anyone else to see it of course!

I went to main -> and had to made a modification in order to require login and also to check the user identity.

As you can see I'm able to see dave's post without the need to login as him:

But with the patch we are getting as needed:

# ==== The vulnerable class ==== #

class PostDetailView(DetailView):
    model = Post

    def form_valid(self, form): = self.request.user
        return super().form_valid(form)
# ============================== #

# ==== The patch ==== #

# class PostDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin, UserPassesTestMixin, DetailView):
#     model = Post

#     def form_valid(self, form):
# = self.request.user
#         return super().form_valid(form)
#     def test_func(self):
#         post = self.get_object()
#         if self.request.user ==
#             return True
#         return False

# ===================== #

pickle deserialization

Now it's the pickle time!!

We can upload our resume as a pickle file, which might lead us to pickle deserialization!

I also added the file which might help in getting the .pkl to upload in order to get rce.

You can start by creating your malicious pickle file with:


Now we are able to go to: and upload our .pkl file.

Your AV might get mad at you ;)

Never trust a pickle I guess, a part from pickle rick of course!!

SSTI Injection

Now it's the time to exploit the template!

You can try to play with it to get RCE on the machine, while going to:

I also added 2 patches which are commented out at main -> which you can try to use in order to patch the issue:

def ssti(request):

    from jinja2 import Template

    cmd = request.GET.get("cmd")
    template = Template(f'Hello {cmd}!')

    if cmd:
        return HttpResponse("Thank you for the input")
        return HttpResponse("No input provided - enter ?cmd=")

    # ====== patch 1 ====== # 

    # cmd = request.GET.get("cmd")

    # if cmd:
    #     return render(request, 'main/ssti_vul.html', {'cmd':cmd})
    # else:
    #     return HttpResponse("No input provided")

    # ====== patch 2 ====== #

    # s_form = Ssti()

    # context = {
    #     's_form': s_form,
    # }

    # return render(request, 'main/ssti.html', context)


Moreover, under flask_stuff folder you can find a flask application which is vulnerable to SSTI too:

from flask import Flask, request, render_template_string

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    search = request.args.get('search') or None

    template = '''
                <p>hello world</p>

    return render_template_string(template)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Cookie based vulnerability

You can go to and see if you can play with the session in order to misuse the Visit count


We will create a login page based on manual cookie handling to be able to see how it works.

While creating the login we mistakenly used at main -> templates -> main -> home_cookie.html:

<h4>You are logged in as {{username | safe}}</h4>

Try to exploit it by using XSS (<script>alert('XSS');</script>), then get the admin cookie and try to login as the admin to the admin panel!!

How to patch this?? Hint: SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY = False

SQL Injection

Some awesome guys pointed me towards adding sql injection too so here we are ;)

By going to this page: we will find there that we are able to query posts made by users:

Try to read other users posts ;) it is an easy one xD

I patched it by using parameterized query:

# ==== SQL Injection ==== #

post_query = Post.objects.raw("SELECT * FROM main_post WHERE author_id = '%s'" % username_id)

# ======================= #

# ==== patch : parameterized query ==== #

# post_query = Post.objects.raw("SELECT * FROM main_post WHERE author_id = '%s'", [username_id])

# ===================================== #


We will start by going to: http://localhost:8000/ssrf/ where we will find a place we can get access to source code of pages:

I tried to access:

But he knew I'm up to something!

So, I tried going to it directly:

He knew I was coming! :(

So, try to access it by using SSRF! Good luck!


By going to: http://localhost:8000/present/ we will find a page where we are able to upload .xml files.

Let's upload as needed:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

And now we will try to look for XXE:

<!--?xml version="1.0" ?-->
<!DOCTYPE replace [<!ENTITY example "30"> ]>
  <present>horse but not a trojan one</present>

And we will see that by using the Secure xml parsing we are not able to parse this xml file! But without it we are able to!

Scraping with authenticate session

I think it might be useful for some to scrape web apps after getting session authentication, so I added the file which does just that ;)


A vulnerable django web app






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