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1. NiteWolfUI (Elv Edit)

nitewolf121 edited this page Jun 14, 2011 · 4 revisions

Since recently leaving a guild I was in and not having a place to put up all the information of what I do with this UI, I decided to add a wiki section. In here I will keep up with my Change Log, new items I add and an simple type of instruction manual for those not familiar with ElvUI and how it works.

Lately I have not been making a lot of my own changes, but just leaving in what I already have and keeping up to date with ElvUI and Elv's changes. Some of the items I had changed are now included with the standard ElvUI, items like; Class Colored Power Bars, Class Colored Data Text and the Location panels up at the top of the screen. So this is now not as different from Elv as it used to be, but I am going to work on some more additions soon.

If you want to find me in game I'm now playing over on Smolderthorn with a new guild started by the guys behind The Daily Blink called Deeps More Deeping.

Enjoy, NiteWolf

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