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javascript DOM manipulation

basic guide for javascript document object model manipulation



Command Description
console.dir(document) gets all the document properties
console.log(document.domain) gets the domain of the site
console.log(document.URL) gets the URL of the site
console.log(document.title) gets the title of the site
console.log(document.doctype) gets the doctype
console.log(document.head) gets the head of the site
console.log(document.body) gets the body of the site
console.log(document.all) gets everything in the html DOM
console.log(document.all[10]) gets the 10th element in the html DOM
console.log(document.forms) gets all the collection of forms
console.log(document.forms[0]) gets the 1st form in the html DOM
console.log(document.links) gets all the collection of links
console.log(document.images) gets all the images in the html DOM


Command Description
console.log(document.getElementById('name of the ID')) gets the element with the given ID
    usage examples:
        var headertitle = document.getElementById('name of the ID');
        console.log(headertitle); // gets the content within the given ID
        // gets the text inside the given ID irrespective of the style applied (textContent)
        // gets the text inside the given ID with respective of the style applied (innerText)
        headertitle.innerHTML = '<h3>Hello</h3>';
        // adds h3(html) inside the given ID (innerHTML) = 'solid 3px #000';
        // used to modify the style for the given ID (style)


Command Description
console.log(document.getElementsByClassName('name of the class')) gets the element with the given classname
    usage examples:
        var items = document.getElementsByClassName('name of the class');
        console.log(items); // gets all the elements of the given class
        console.log(items[0]); // gets the first element of the given class
        items[0].textContent = 'Hello'; // adds text to the given class
        items[0].style.fontWeight = 'bold'; // changes the style of the given class = 'green'; // gives error
        // correct way 
        for(var i=0; i<items.length ; i++)
            items[i].style.backgroundColor = 'green';


Command Description
console.log(document.getElementsByTagName('name of the tag')) gets the element with the given tag name
    usage examples:
        var li = document.getElementsByClassName('name of the class');
        console.log(li); // gets all the elements of the given tag
        console.log(li[0]); // gets the first element of the given tag
        li[0].textContent = 'Hello'; // adds text to the given tag
        li[0].style.fontWeight = 'bold'; // changes the style of the given tag = 'green'; // gives error
        // correct way 
        for(var i=0; i<li.length ; i++)
            li[i].style.backgroundColor = 'green';


Command Description
console.log(document.querySelector('any css selector')) gets the first css selector given
    usage examples:
        var header = document.querySelector('#main-header'); = 'solid 4px #ccc'; // adds style to given css selector

        var input = document.querySelector('input');
        input.value = 'Hello World'; 

        var item = document.querySelector('.list-group-item'); = 'red'; // changes the color of first item in list-group-item class

        var lastItem = document.querySelector('.list-group-item:last-child'); = 'blue'; // changes the color of the last item in list-group-item class

        var secondItem = document.querySelector('.last-group-item:nth-child(2)'); = 'coral'; // changes the color of the second item in list-group-item class


Command Description
console.log(document.querySelectorAll('any css selector')) gets all the elements of given css selector
    usage examples:
        var titles = document.querySelectorAll('.title');
        console.log(titles); // gets all elements with class title
        titles[0].textContent = 'Hello'; // changes the textcontent of first element with class title

        var odd = document.querySelectorAll('li:nth-child(odd)'); // gets all the odd elements of the given css selector
        var even = document.querySelectorAll('li:nth-child(even)'); // gets all the even elements of the given css selector 

        for(var i=0; i<odd.length; i++)
            odd[i].style.backgroundColor = '#f4f4f4'; // changes the color of all odd elements
            even[i].style.backgroundColor = '#ccc'; // changes the color of all even elements


    var itemList = document.querySelector('#items');


    usage examples:
        console.log(itemList.parentNode); // gets the parent element of the itemList ID = '#f4f4f4'; // changes the background color of parent element of itemList ID
        console.log(itemList.parentNode.parentNode); // gets the parent element of parent element of itemList ID


    usage examples:
        console.log(itemList.parentElement); // gets the parent element of the itemList ID = '#f4f4f4'; // changes the background color of parent element of itemList ID
        console.log(itemList.parentElement.parentElement); // gets the parent element of parent element of itemList ID


    usage examples:
        console.log(itemList.childNodes); // gets all the child elements of itemList ID with line breaks


    usage examples:
        console.log(itemList.children); // gets all the children elements of itemList ID
        console.log(itemList.children[1]); // gets the children element at index 1
        itemList.children[1].style.backgroundColor = 'yellow'; 


    usage examples: 
        console.log(itemList.firstChild); // gets the first child element of itemList ID with line breaks


    usage examples:
        console.log(itemList.firstElementChild); // gets the first child element of itemList ID
        itemList.firstElementChild.textContent = 'hello';


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