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This project attempts to build a retrieval system that takes advantage of the text classifier model built using appropriate topical sections from the Wikipedia articles.

Installation Instructions


Java 1.8 or higher
Maven 3.3.8 or higher
OS:- Debian-Based (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.)

Steps to reproduce

  1. git clone this repository
    git clone

  2. ./

    1. This will execute retrieval and classify.
    2. creates a folder named outfiles in project dir and stores all the generated runfiles files for evaluation.
    3. Run trec_eval for runfiles generated and write results to files at outfile/eval_results/
  3. ./ -h will print the below usage.

    usage: ./ [One of the below options]
    -r || --retrieval      execute bm25 for certain categories from outlines.cbor
    -c || --classify       execute bm25 and rerank the passages using pre-trained classifier
    -t || --train          Genrate qrels and create trainsets for given categories
    -b || --build          Train multiple classifiers for categories present in trainset folder
    -h || --help           Print usage
    no arguments           will execute retrieval and classify, write eval results at outFiles/eval_results