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File metadata and controls

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Feature Requests

The purpose of this document is to provide an alternate to GitHub issues for tracking feature requests. This eliminates noise when viewing issues. Items ending up on this page are not guaranteed to make it into the SDK. Items on this page are not sorted by priority.


Please feel free to sumbmit feature requests and add comments or suggestions on existing feature requests. If you are interested in contributing code, please open a dialog with us first. Ideally we can avoid wasted dev cycles by dicussing alternatives up front.

We can be found in our Gitter channel and on the AWS Forum for Ruby.


Filtering Sensitive values from Logger

When using the built in log formatter, you can have request parameters logged. Some of these values may be sensitive and should be filtered before hitting the log. Some possible solutions include:

  • Adding a backlist of sensitive parameter names, ala Rails style:

    config.filter_parameters += [:password, :password_confirmation, :credit_card]
  • Providing callbacks that are given request parameters with a context. The callback could filter and return values prior to logging allowing more fine-grained control of filtering.

See related GitHub issue #726.

Configurable Default Retry Limit for Instance Profile Credentials

The default credential provider chain will check for credentials from the EC2 instance metadata service once before giving up. This is intentional to prevent development environments from hanging for an extended period of time when not running on Amazon EC2.

Defaulting to no retries is problematic for code running on Amazon EC2, especially in a situation where the code is executing early in the boot process and the credentials are not immediately available. This forces developers to create a custom Aws::InstanceProfileCredentials object to configure retires, complicating configuration for development environments.

Adding a retry limit for instance profile credentials might be a possible solution.

See related GitHub issue #717.

Verify SNS Message Authenticity

Version 1 of the AWS SDK for Ruby has an method that can verify the authenticity of an SNS message. No such functionality exists in the v2 SDK. Ideally, this could be ported as a standalone class, such as Aws::SNS::MessageVerifier. This could then be exposed from the Aws::SNS::Message as a #verify method for resource users or called directly for client users.

See related GitHub issue #709.

Signed CloudFront URLs

Amazon CloudFront supports pre-signed URLs, similar to those used by Amazon S3. It would be helpful to have a pre-signed url builder for SDK users.

See related GitHub issue #700.

Adding #exists? method to Resource Classes

Version 1 of the AWS SDK for Ruby had hand-coded methods for each resource class that would return a boolean value as a response to #exists?. These methods would typically call an API operation to describe the resource, rescuing errors as appropriate.

No such functionality exists in the version 2 SDK currently. It would be ideal to avoid hand-coding these methods. One possible solution is to add waiters for each resource type, e.g. :bucket_exists. The resource classes could be linked to their exists waiter. The resource class would poll the waiter exactly once, returning a true or false value.

This approach has the benefit of expanding waiter coverage and providing a reliable #exists? method.

See related GitHub issue #696.

Amazon S3 Requester Pays

Many, but not all Amazon S3 API operations accept a special header to indicate the API request should pay associated costs. Adding support for these to Amazon S3 operations is very trivial once the appropriate operations are identified.

See related GitHub issue #694.

Amazon S3 Presigned Post

The version 1 SDK has support for generating a pre-signed POST request. This returned a hash of key/value pairs that should be embedded into a HTML POST form for browsers. This should be ported to the version 2 SDK, and updated to use signature version 4.

See related GitHub issue #720.

Amazon SQS Queue Poller

Add a utility class that can poll an Amazon SQS Queue for messages. This should do a better than than the version 1 SDK in handling errors raised inside the polling logic. Ideally, users should be able to fail a message, causing it to not delete, but without terminating the polling abstraction. This should be opt-in to avoid draining a queue of messages without succeeding any.

Aws::ElasticBeanstalk::Client Waiters

There are currently no waiters for Aws::ElasticBeanstalk::Client. Particular useful would be environment states.

See related GitHub issue aws/aws-sdk-core-ruby#216.

Progress callbacks for Amazon S3 Object uploads

To enable users to track file upload process, it would be helpful to support a progress callback for Aws::S3::Object#upload_file.

See related Github issue #648.