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Atlas Search add-on for Spring Data for MongoDB

Spring Data for MongoDB provides classes to easily construct aggregation pipeline stages, such as the MatchOperation class to define the $match stage:

MatchOperation matchStage = Aggregation.match(
    new Criteria("firstName").is("Nitin")
    //.andOperator(new Criteria("lastName").is("Reddy"))

However, because Atlas Search was (relatively) recently introduced, the Spring Data for MongoDB library does not include classes for constructing the $search aggregation pipeline stage.

The following operators of Atlas Search can be used with this library:

  • Auto-Complete
  • Compound Search (Must, Must-Not, Should, Filter)
  • Exists
  • Near
  • Phrase
  • Range
  • Regex
  • Text
  • Wildcard
  • Geo Within
  • Geo Shape


To add the dependency to a Maven project, include the following in your pom.xml file


Import classes from the com.pockettheories.atlassearch package. Other dependencies are from the packages com.mongodb.client and org.bson.

To use a single Atlas Search operation, use the Operator class directly, then wrap it within the AtlasSearchOperation and pass to Aggregation.newAggregation as follows:

//Set up the connection
MongoClient client = MongoClients.create("mongodb+srv://");
//Connect to the sample_mflix database (click the Ellipsis and click the "Load Sample Dataset" menu item to get this database)
MongoOperations mongoOps = new MongoTemplate(client, "sample_mflix");

TextSearchOperator search = new TextSearchOperator("country", "fullplot");
Aggregation agg = Aggregation.newAggregation(
    new AtlasSearchOperation(search, "default"),  //Wrap the TextSearchOperator object in an AtlasSearchOperation object
    new SetOperation("score", new Document("$meta", "searchScore"))  //Use this to fetch the text match score
AggregationResults<Document> aggResult = mongoOps.aggregate(agg, "movies", Document.class);

To use multiple Atlas Search operations, pass an array of Operator objects into the must/mustNot/should/filter Lists of a CompoundSearchOperator object.

//Set up the connection
MongoClient client = MongoClients.create("mongodb+srv://");
//Connect to the sample_mflix database (click the Ellipsis and click the "Load Sample Dataset" menu item to get this database)
MongoOperations mongoOps = new MongoTemplate(client, "sample_mflix");

//This combines multiple Atlas Search operations
CompoundSearchOperator cso = new CompoundSearchOperator();
cso.filterList.addAll(List.of(  //mustList, mustNotList, shouldList, filterList
    new TextSearchOperator("country", "fullplot"),
    new RangeSearchOperator<Integer>("runtime").gte(3) //.lte(3)
    new TextSearchOperator("cultural", "plot"),
    new RangeSearchOperator<Integer>("runtime").gte(1200)
    new RangeSearchOperator<Date>("released").lte(new Date(83, 9, 22)).gte(new java.util.Date(83, 9, 20))

Aggregation agg = Aggregation.newAggregation(
    new AtlasSearchOperation(cso, "default"),  //Wrap the CompoundSearchOperator object in an AtlasSearchOperation object
    new SetOperation("score", new Document("$meta", "searchScore"))  //Use this to fetch the text match score
AggregationResults<Document> aggResult = mongoOps.aggregate(agg, "movies", Document.class);



Use gradle build to compile and produce a JAR file in the app/build/lib directory.


Running all tests:

gradle test -DMONGOURI="mongodb+srv://....."

Running specific test class (Eg. AtlasSearchOperationTest):

gradle test --tests com.pockettheories.atlassearch.AtlasSearchOperationTest -DMONGOURI="mongodb+srv://....."

Running specific test method (Eg. AtlasCountOperationTest.testFirstReviewBefore2015):

gradle test --tests com.pockettheories.atlassearch.AtlasCountOperationTest.testFirstReviewBefore2015 -DMONGOURI="mongodb+srv://....."