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PlayFramework library to send GELF messages


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PlayFramework scala library to send GELF messages to Graylog

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A library to integrate PlayFramework with Graylog GELF inputs.

It uses play-json to serialize GELF messages and netty to communicate over TCP/TCP+SSL.

Currently other GELF inputs are unsupported (namely AMQP, UDP, Kafka or HTTP).

Getting Started

To get started, you can add play-gelf as a dependency in your project:

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("nitrotm", "maven")

libraryDependencies += "org.tmsrv" %% "play-gelf" % "1.0.3"

Logback appender

A logback appender can be configured to forward log messages, in logback.xml:

  <appender name="GELF" class="">

  <appender name="ASYNCGELF" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
    <appender-ref ref="GELF" />

  <root level="INFO">
    <appender-ref ref="ASYNCGELF" />


Alternatively, it's possible to send custom GELF messages programmatically:

  // a sender over plain TCP
  val gelfSender = new GELFSenderWithRetry(
    new GELFSenderFactory(new GELFSenderTCP("localhost", 12201))

  // a sender over SSL/TCP with client certificate authentication
  val gelfSender = new GELFSenderWithRetry(
    new GELFSenderFactory(
      new GELFSenderSSLOverTCP(
          GELFCryptography.loadKeyStore(new"keystore.jks"), "pass"),

  // send a simple text message
  gelfSender.send("My text")

  // send a message with custom fields
  gelfSender.send("Message text", Json.obj("field1" -> 5, "field2" -> "ERROR"))

  // record an exception
  val e: Exception = ...



A GELF message sender with following methods:

  • isActive: Future[Boolean]: check if the sender is connect/alive.
  • shutdown(): Future[Unit]: gracefully shutdown sender.
  • send(shortMessage: String): Future[Unit]: send a simple text message.
  • send(shortMessage: String, fields: JsObject): Future[Unit]: send a simple text message with custom fields.
  • send(t: Throwable): Future[Unit]: send an exception with detailed stack trace.
  • send(t: Throwable, fields: JsObject): Future[Unit]: send an exception with stack trace and custom fields.
  • send(timestamp: Long, shortMessage: String, fullMessage: Option[String], fields: Option[JsObject], level: Option[Int], facility: Option[Int], file: Option[String], line: Option[Int]): Future[Unit]: send a generic GELF message.


A GELF message sender that retries sending the message if the underlying sender fails.

  • factory: GELFSenderFactory: a factory to spawn senders.
  • retry: Int: number of times a message will be resent if the sender fails (defaults to 2).
  • delay: Long: delay between retry in milliseconds (defaults to 1000).


Spawn and maintain a GELF message sender instance.


Encodes GELF messages to JSON and transmit over a TCP/IP socket, with the following parameters:

  • serverHostname: String: graylog server hostname (defaults to localhost).
  • serverPort: Int: graylog server GELF input port (defaults to 12201).
  • connectTimeout: Int: connection timeout in milliseconds (defaults to 1000).
  • clientName: String: client/source name (defaults to InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()).
  • version: GELFVersion.Value: GELF message version (defaults to GELFVersion.V1_1).
  • delimiter: Byte: GELF message frame delimiter (defaults to 0).

If the connection was closed (ie. isActive returns false or send fails with an exception), the sender must be discarded and a new one must be created.


Add TLS to GELFSenderTCP, with optional client certificate authentication.

  • sslContext: SslContext: netty ssl context (see below).
  • serverHostname: String: graylog server hostname (defaults to localhost).
  • serverPort: Int: graylog server GELF input port (defaults to 12201).
  • connectTimeout: Int: connection timeout in milliseconds (defaults to 1000).
  • clientName: String: client/source name (defaults to InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()).
  • version: GELFVersion.Value: GELF message version (defaults to GELFVersion.V1_1).
  • delimiter: Byte: GELF message frame delimiter (defaults to 0).

To build an SSLContext without client authentication:

val sslContext = GELFCryptography.sslContext()

To build an SSLContext with client authentication:

val sslContext = GELFCryptography.sslContext(
  GELFCryptography.loadKeyStore(new"keystore.jks"), "keystorePass"),


Using sbt:

sbt package


Using sbt:

sbt release


PlayFramework library to send GELF messages







