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URL Shortener - Goland full stack web application in the form of a web service with primitive ui (for now as part of a course project of golang backend system)

Main Features

  • Basic functionality of this kind of services is implemented:
    • Url shortening
    • Short url redirection
    • Click rate statistics
    • Expirable links
    • Url deletion
  • Framework supports easy extensibility with flexible configuration based on adopting open source best practices + design principles with usage of the following components and technologies:
    • RESTfull API
    • Http requests handling with go-chi - lightweight, idiomatic and composable router for building Go HTTP services
    • Configurable token generation
      • using hashid algo with customizable alphabet, length and salt
      • simple interface and quick replacement in config file.
    • Multiple supported storage backends
      • maps in memory (with saving results between application launches) - the fastest option
      • embedded in-memory high performance local database with bolt using storm powerful toolkit
    • Flexible multifactorial logging using logrus
    • Comprehensive errors identification
    • Dockerized
    • Full CI/CD workflow integration with heroku
  • Open source


$ git clone
$ cd shurl

run locally

$ make run

run in docker container

$ docker build -f Dockerfile -t shurl_image .
$ docker run -p 8443:8443 --rm -it shurl_image

run on heroku platform (main road)

$ heroku login
$ heroku stack:set container -a [heroku_app_name]
$ heroku container:login
$ docker tag shurl_image:latest[heroku_app_name]/web
$ docker push[heroku_app_name]/web
$ heroku container:release web
$ heruku open

Configuration and usage:


$ shurl [OPTIONS]
  --env-prefix  - env prefix; default: (appName)
  --env         - path to .env file (to simplify deployment procedure) default: .env (pwd)
  --config      - path to config file; default: (appName).yml
  --save-config - path to save current resolved config

Config file example:

shutdown-timeout: 30s
  host: ""
  port: 8443
  timeout: 3s
  web-path: "web"
  path: "shurl.log"
  level: debug
  format: text
    path: "links.db"
    timeout: 1s
    salt: "ecafbaf0-1bcc-11ec-9621-0242ac130002"
    min-length: 5
    alphabet: "0123456789_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

Environment variables (optional):

#SHURL == --env-prefix
SHURL_LOGGING_LEVEL="info" # debug, warn, error, critical
SHURL_SERVER_PORT=(tcp.port) == PORT as alias (heroku specific)
SHURL_TOKENIZER_SALT="unique string for your token generator"

User interface (screenshots):

index page info result openapi

Ideas for futures:

  • Extend functionality in the following ways:
    • Add link alias
    • Change the destination URL for any short link, including QR Codes;
    • Create secure & reliable links:
      • Implement multiple authorization strategies:
        • mainly: local authorization via OAuth 2.0 (Google, GitHub etc)
        • deal with proxy authorization for running behind e.g. Google IAP
        • auth make token to be user proprietary (when token depends on []int {user_id, rec_id})
      • use https protocol
    • Add UTM labels
    • Leverage key real-time data points on every click;
    • Keep track of link history
    • move id in store from int type to uuid
  • Persistent non-local storage
    • with redis
    • with PostgreSQL

Any kind of contributions (ideas, etc) and bug reports are welcome