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Is a set of utilities to give you advantage on your django development. This utilities can help you to manage and upgrade django application.

Is a open source package that works on top django mainly. Several mixins and snippets is to make django more handy in case of development. Have class based view snippet, date snippet, mail sending snippet, permission snippet and so on.


The latest version of djangomixin can be installed from PyPI:

pip install djangomixin

Quick use

After install djangomixin you can test some awesome snippet, best example:


from djangomixin import filename

# filename is a simple function to give you actual filename of a source file
my_file_name = filename("C://path/this is file.jpg")


random_string is a function to give you a lengthy random_string, such as when we need to generate a slug filed over a model we can simply use random_string to generate lengthy random_string

from djangomixin import random_string

slug = models.CharField(max_length=20, default=random_string)

# string length is by default 10, but we can change the length by passing a value in it
slug = models.CharField(max_length=20, default=lambda: random_string(20))


bootstrap_visible_fields is for generating bootstrap field for your form and model form all you need to do just go to your form class then call this function and pass the specific object to it

from django import forms
from djangomixin import bootstrap_visible_fields

class MyModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
      super(MyModelForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)


RequestAttachMixin is a class snippet which can be inherit by any class based view. By default class based view have not request object in it. So, when we need to get or verify request we have some problem in the class based view This snippet will attach request object in that class object You can get this request from any of method, we are using get_context_data for example

from djangomixin.class_mixin import RequestAttachMixin

class TestView(RequestAttachMixin):
  template_name = 'home.html'

  def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
    data = dict(self.request.GET)
    return super(TestView, self).get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)


NextUrlMixin is a class snippet which can be inherit by any class based view. By default class based view have not support next url which declined in the browser path like /?next=/admin/ This snippet will attach get_next_url method to your class object djangomixin will verify the validity of next url, if it secure then it will give you next url path

from djangomixin.class_mixin import NextUrlMixin

class TestView(NextUrlMixin):
  template_name = 'home.html'

  def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
    next_url = self.get_next_url()
    return super(TestView, self).get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)


send_mail snippet is to give you nice and pretty good solution for sending mail. You can verify the mail sending for any server including s3 preferable. To send mail we must set some flag to our settings file and call this function with appropriate values

# In your settings, let's add this lines for server configuration

DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "Your default email who will be the sender"
DEFAULT_FROM_SENDER = "Your default name who will be the sender"
USERNAME_SMTP = "Mail server user name"
PASSWORD_SMTP = "Mail server password"
HOST_SMTP = "Mail server host address"
PORT_SMTP = "Mail server host port"

# After adding this lines to your settings, now you can send email

from djangomixin.mail_mixin import send_mail

# send_mail accept at most six parameter, which is your info and body of mailing

  sender_name="Test User",
  subject='Message From Django Server',


last_month_start_end is to provide last month start and end day before today To check this snippet work you can just pass datetime for today into it

form djangomixin.date_mixin import last_month_start_end
import datetime

start_end = last_month_start_end(


month_data_range is to provide comprehensive month data with all of info Check the output of month_data_range to get and check how this value can help you rustically

from djangomixin.date_mixin import month_data_range

json_data = month_data_range()

# month_data_range have two exceptional parameter which can be more handy for you

# months_ago is by default 4
# include_this_month is by default False

json_data = month_data_range(months_ago=4, include_this_month=True)


allowed_roles is a fancy function to verify and block access to a view function. Works as decorator in a view function as like other decorator. It usage django permission management for this work. you can pass allowed permission for a user as defined in django documentation for permission verification.

from djangomixin.permission_mixin import allowed_roles

# django permission verification 'module.model_action'
# here action can be view, change, add, delete

def book_view(request):


djangomixin is a open source libraries for Python, Initially developed by Nj Nafir.



If you are having issues, please let us know. We have a mailing list located at:


The project is licensed under the MIT license.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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