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BoardSweep C++ Chess Engine


First download and make the source with whatever method you wish to use.

Set a position:

position [fen string]. By default, it will use the starting position. You can change this position whenever you want using the same command.

To display a set position: display.

For testing:

perft [depth]. This will run a perft test for the set postion and given depth, and it will tell you the number of nodes it counted and the time the test took.

To exit the program: quit

Game vs the engine:

first start the game and say who you want to move first(0 for engine, 1 for you) with the command "play [moveFirst]" I use a shortened notation for chess moves. For anything but promotions, simply enter the from square and to square in string notation. Ex: a move bishop move from b1 to a2 would be "b1a2". If the move is a promotion, append the promoted piece char to the end.(Q,B,N,R for white and the lowercase versions for black). Ex: a pawn to queen promotion from a7 to a8 would be a7a8Q.