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Self-hosting Redwood: Serverfull

Do you prefer to host a Redwood app on your own server, the traditional serverfull way, instead of all this serverless magic? Well, you can! In this recipe we configure a Redwood app with PM2 and Nginx on a Linux server.


This repo is a code example but alternatively you can follow the steps in this README.


You should have some basic knowledge of the following tools.



Add Redwood's API server (in the API workspace) and PM2 (in the root) to your project.

yarn workspace api add @redwoodjs/api-server
yarn add -D pm2

Create a PM2 ecosystem configuration file. For clarity, it's recommended to rename ecosystem.config.js to something like pm2.config.js.

yarn pm2 init
mv ecosystem.config.js pm2.config.js

Edit redwood.toml to change the API endpoint:

apiProxyPath = "/api"

Optionally, add some scripts to your top-level package.json.

"scripts": {
  "deploy:setup": "pm2 deploy pm2.config.js production setup",
  "deploy": "pm2 deploy pm2.config.js production deploy"

Linux server

Your server should have a user for deployment, which should be configured with an SSH key pair providing access to your production environment. In this example, the user is named deploy.


Your Nginx configuration file for the app should look something like this. Typically, this file would be stored at /etc/nginx/sites-available/redwood-pm2 and is symbolically linked to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/redwood-pm2.

Please note that the trailing slash in the proxy_pass value is essential to correctly map the API functions.

server {
  listen 80;

  location / {
    root /home/deploy/redwood-pm2/current/web/dist;

  location /api/ {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8911/;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;


The pm2.config.js file is used for PM2 settings. The most important variables are at the top. Note that the port is only used locally on the server and should match the port in the Nginx config.

const name = 'redwood-pm2' // Name to use in PM2
const repo = '' // Link to your repo
const user = 'deploy' // Server user
const path = `/home/${user}/${name}` // Path on the server to deploy to
const host = '' // Server hostname
const port = 8911 // Port to use locally on the server
const build = 'yarn install && yarn rw build && yarn rw prisma migrate deploy && yarn rw prisma db seed' // Build commands

module.exports = {
  apps: [
      node_args: '-r dotenv/config',
      cwd: `${path}/current/`,
      script: 'node_modules/@redwoodjs/api-server/dist/index.js',
      args: `-f api/dist/functions --port ${port}`,
      env: {
        NODE_ENV: 'development',
      env_production: {
        NODE_ENV: 'production',

  deploy: {
    production: {
      ref: 'origin/master',
      ssh_options: 'ForwardAgent=yes',
      'post-deploy': `${build} && pm2 reload pm2.config.js --env production && pm2 save`,

Caveat: the API seems to only work in fork mode in PM2, not cluster mode



First, we need to create the PM2 directories.

yarn install
yarn deploy:setup

Your server directories are now set. However, the .env settings are not yet configured. SSH into your server and create an .env file in the current subdirectory of the deploy directory.

vim /home/deploy/redwood-pm2/current/.env

For example, add a DATABASE_URL variable.


Now we can finally deploy the app.

Actual deploy

Just run the following. It should update the code, take care of database migrations and restart the app in PM2.

yarn deploy

Enjoy! 😁

Startup script

To persist the PM2 service during server restarts, SSH into your server and run:

pm2 startup

Follow the instructions as shown.


Redwood.js serverfull hosting with PM2







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