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Shadow CLJS with Docker

Develop ClojureScript projects with Shadow CLJS without having to install Clojure, JVM, or npm on your local machine. The provided Docker image includes all the necessary dependencies for ClojureScript development.

GitHub release Docker Shadow CLJS


  • Quickly and easily set up a Shadow CLJS based development environment
  • Avoid having to install a build environment in your file system
  • Lower the barrier for contributing to ClojureScript projects
  • Ensure a consistent and predictable development environment
  • Improve security by isolating the development environment from your system
  • Simplify cleanup after development by avoiding pollution of the host filesystem

You can provide any ClojureScript project with these benefits by copying the docker-compose.yml configuration file into its repository.



Docker must be installed and running on your machine. Follow the instructions at to install Docker.

That's all. Neither Java, npm, nor node.js have to be installed on your system, as they're all covered by the Docker image.

Quick Start

Clone this repository and navigate to the directory.

Start a Shadow CLJS server in a Docker container:

docker compose run --rm --service-ports server

Wait for the server to start, then open the Shadow CLJS monitor in a web browser:

open http://localhost:9630/builds

From the monitor, you can compile the project, enable a watch process for live reloading of automatically compiled code changes, enable unit testing, and generate an executable release.

When done, stop the server from the Docker Desktop application or by typing CTRL-d in the terminal.


Docker Compose runs containers defined in a configuration file. The docker-compose.yml file in this repository defines services for running shadow-cljs, and also encapsulates cache directories within the container to help keep the host filesystem clean and uncluttered. Copy the docker-compose.yml configuration file from this repository into the root directory of a ClojureScript project.


Shadow CLJS uses a shadow-cljs.edn configuration file, which should be located in the root directory of your project. If there is no configuration file, a basic one will be created when you start the server with Docker Compose:

docker compose run --rm server

You can edit this file to specify your project's requirements, build configurations, and other options. For more information on how to use shadow-cljs, see the shadow-cljs users guide.

Enable Live Reload

You can use Docker Compose to enable automatic recompilation of your code whenever any files change. To do this, run the following command (with -d optionally to run it in the background) where script is the name of the build in the shadow-cljs configuration:

docker compose run --rm shadow-cljs watch script

Wait for it to complete the initial build before proceeding.

This will also automatically start a container for the Shadow CLJS server. To use the server, follow the steps in the Quick Start section to open the dashboard, start a development runtime, and execute commands.

Launch a Runtime

To run the compiled :script build, use the following command with the :output-to pathname from shadow-cljs.edn:

docker compose exec -it server node out/script.js

Run Commands

Compose can also run other shadow-cljs commands in their own container. For example, this will start a REPL:

docker compose run -it --rm shadow-cljs cljs-repl script

Open a Shell

To open a shell prompt in the running container started using compose, use the following command:

docker compose exec -it server sh

Using Docker

As an alternative to Compose, vanilla Docker can be used in building the Docker image and starting a shadow-cljs development server. You can then use the server to build and run your ClojureScript projects, start a ClojureScript REPL, and more. The server can be configured to watch your code for changes and automatically rebuild your projects, making it easy to iterate and develop your code. Using Docker doesn't require a docker-compose file in the project directory. Follow the steps below to get started.

Pull the Docker Image

To pull the latest Docker image and alias it as docker-shadow-cljs, run the following commands:

docker pull
docker image tag docker-shadow-cljs

Start the Server

To start the shadow-cljs development server, run the following command in a shell:

docker run --name server -it -v `pwd`:/home -p 9630:9630 -p 9090:9090 docker-shadow-cljs

This command will start a new Docker container named "server" and run the docker-shadow-cljs image. It maps ports from the container to the host machine, mounts the current working directory (pwd) to the /home directory in the container, and starts the container in interactive mode. Port 9090 provides an nrepl interface that can be connected to from a REPL.

Open the Shadow CLJS Monitor

Once the container is running, you can access the shadow-cljs monitor in your web browser at http://localhost:9630/builds. From the monitor, you can compile the project, enable a watch process for live reloading of automatically compiled code changes, run unit testing, or generate an executable release.

Alternatively, execute these from the command line, as described in the following sections.

Activate Live Reloading

Assuming the shadow-cljs configuration in the current directory has a build named :script with :target :node-script and :output-to "script.js", you can execute the following command on the server to start a development process that watches for changes to your code and automatically rebuilds the :script build when changes are detected:

docker exec -it server shadow-cljs watch script

Launch the Development Runtime

To run the compiled :script build, use the following command with the :output-to pathname from shadow-cljs.edn:

docker exec -it server node out/script.js

Start a ClojureScript REPL

To start a ClojureScript REPL for the :script build, use the following command:

docker exec -it server shadow-cljs cljs-repl script

Open a Shell Prompt

To open a shell prompt in the running container, use the following command:

docker exec -it server sh

This will allow you to run other commands or inspect the container's filesystem.

Run Shadow CLJS Commands in a Separate Container

Instead of executing shadow-cljs commands on the server container, you can alternatively run them in their own container. To do this, run the docker-shadow-cljs image with the shadow-cljs arguments at the end of the command line:

docker run -it --rm --network=host -v `pwd`:/home docker-shadow-cljs cljs-repl script

This command will start a new Docker container with the docker-shadow-cljs image and run the cljs-repl command for the :script build.

Stopping and Removing the Server

Use the Docker Desktop software to stop the shadow-cljs development server and remove the Docker container.

Alternatively, you can use the following commands:

# Stop the server
docker stop server

# Remove the container
docker rm server

# Remove the image
docker rmi docker-shadow-cljs

These commands will stop the "server" container, remove the "server" container and delete any data stored in the container, and remove the "docker-shadow-cljs" image and delete any data stored in the image.