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Cute Gomoku is interface program derived from Cute Chess. It contains a graphical user interface, a command-line interface and a library for playing gomoku between human and computer gomoku programs.



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Cute Gomoku

Cute Gomoku is a graphical user interface, command-line interface and a library for playing gomoku. It is a derived from project Cute Chess, which is originally designed for playing chess. Both Cute Gomoku and Cute Chess are written in C++ using the Qt framework.


Cute Gomoku requires Qt 5.7 or greater, a compiler with C++11 support and qmake. In the simplest case you only have to issue:

$ qmake
$ make

For detailed build instruction on various operating systems please visit:


The cutegomoku-cli program is run from the command line to play games between gomoku engines. A gomoku engine is a computer program that can play gomoku by interact with an interface/manager program following a text protocol. So far for gomoku, only Gomocup protocol is supported. See more details about Gomocup engines and protocols in the GomoCup offical site.

Assuming that you already have an engine Pela, and to play ten games between two Pela engines with a time control of 40 moves in 60 seconds:

$ cutegomoku-cli -variant gomoku -boardsize 15 -engine cmd=./<path-to-engine>/pbrain-pela -engine cmd=./<path-to-engine>/pbrain-pela -each proto=gomocup tc=40/60 -rounds 10

Note that there are three key differences between cutegomoku-cli and cutechess-cli. First, the -variant gomoku is required, otherwise cutegomoku will assume that you are playing chess. Second, the protocol of engines should be gomocup. Third, you can specify the board size by -boardsize <N>, which leads to a NxN board. The default gomoku board size is 15x15.

For other original options from Cute Chess, please see cutegomoku-cli -help for descriptions of the supported options or manuals for full documentation.


Thanks for the all developers of Cute Chess for providing an exellent tool for the computer chess community. This project intends to expand this tool to computer gomoku community so that it could benefit more computer game programmers.


Following Cute Chess, Cute Gomoku is released under the GPLv3+ license except for the components in the projects/lib/components and projects/gui/components directories which are released under the MIT License.



Cute Gomoku is interface program derived from Cute Chess. It contains a graphical user interface, a command-line interface and a library for playing gomoku between human and computer gomoku programs.







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