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elemapprox user manual

Title elemapprox (Elementary functions approximation in ANSI C, Verilog HDL, and VHDL)
Author Nikolaos Kavvadias (C) 2013-2021
Release Date 24 April 2021
Version 1.4.2
Rev. history



Fix plots for round and trunc.



Add cbrt.



Add verilogieee (Verilog-2005) version. Add common directories for Verilog and C.



Add fmin, fmax for C, Verilog, and VHDL.



Fix ASCII rendering of function plots in the documentation.



Documentation updated with function plot examples.



Added ansicstd version which is an alternative C port that calls the standard C library mathematical functions as defined in math.h. Documentation updated.



Added vhdlieee version which is compatible to the IEEE math_real package. Documentation updated.



Added VHDL version for approximating and plotting the elementary functions. Numerous documentation fixes.



Minor documentation corrections.



Initial release. This is an expanded version built upon Mark G. Arnold's Verilog Transcendental Functions paper.

1. Introduction

elemapprox is an ANSI C code, Verilog HDL and VHDL collection of modules (Verilog HDL) and packages (VHDL) that provide the capability of evaluating and plotting transcendental functions by evaluating them in single precision. The original work supports ASCII plotting of a subset of the functions; this version provides a more complete list of functions in addition to bitmap plotting for the transcendental functions as PBM (monochrome) image files.

elemapprox has been conceived as an extension to Prof. Mark G. Arnold's work as puhlished in HDLCON 2001. Most functions have been prefixed with the letter k in order to avoid function name clashes in both ANSI C and VHDL standard-based implementations. Currently, the plain VHDL version, vhdl uses unprefixed names (e.g., acos instead of kacos). The vhdlieee version is compatible to the IEEE.math_real package and features prefixed names.

1.1 Implementations

The following table summarizes the implemented versions in C, VHDL and Verilog HDL.

Implementation Description
ansic ANSI C version with custom approximations
ansicstd ANSI C version using math.h
verilog Verilog version with custom approximations
verilogieee Verilog 2005 version with the new arithmetic system functions
vhdl VHDL version with custom approximations
vhdlieee VHDL version using IEEE.math_real

1.2 Implemented functions

The transcendental functions supported include most elementary functions (hence the name elemapprox) and the list is as follows:

Function Description
kfabs(x) Floating-point absolute value (helper function).
kfmax(x,y) Floating-point maximum value (helper function).
kfmin(x,y) Floating-point minimum value (helper function).
kfloor(x) Floating-point floor (helper function).
kceil(x) Floating-point ceiling (helper function).
kround(x) Floating-point round-to-nearest (helper function).
ktrunc(x) Floating-point truncation (helper function).
kfmod(x,y) Floating-point modulo.
rootof2(x) Calculate root-of-2 (not in vhdlieee, verilogieee and ansicstd).
kacos(x) Arc cosine.
kacosh(x) Inverse hyperbolic cosine.
kacot(x) Arc cotangent.
kacoth(x) Inverse hyperbolic cotangent.
kacsc(x) Arc cosecant.
kacsch(x) Inverse hyperbolic cosecant.
kasec(x) Arc secant.
kasech(x) Inverse hyperbolic secant.
kasin(x) Arc sine.
kasinh(x) Inverse hyperbolic sine.
katan(x) Arc tangent.
katan2(y,x) Two-argument (x/y) arc tangent.
katanh(x) Inverse hyperbolic tangent.
kcos(x) Cosine.
kcosh(x) Hyperbolic cosine.
kcot(x) Cotangent.
kcoth(x) Hyperbolic cotangent.
kcsc(x) Cosecant.
kcsch(x) Hyperbolic cosecant.
kexp(x) Exponential.
khypot(x,y) Hypotenuse.
klog(x) Natural logarithm.
kpow(x,y) Powering function.
ksec(x) Secant (named secant in the plain VHDL port).
ksech(x) Hyperbolic secant.
ksin(x) Sine.
ksinh(x) Hyperbolic sine.
ksqrt(x) Square root.
kcbrt(x) Cube root.
ktan(x) Tangent.
ktanh(x) Hyperbolic tangent.

The reference paper and the corresponding presentation are available from the web at the following links:

Since the original links have been removed, the files are now only accessible from the Internet Archive.

2. File listing

The elemapprox C code implementation and Verilog HDL modules include the following files:

/elemapprox Top-level directory
AUTHORS List of authors.
LICENSE License argeement (Modified BSD license).
README.rst This file.
README.html HTML version of README.
README.pdf PDF version of README. Bash script for generating the HTML and PDF versions.
VERSION Current version.
/ansic ANSI C implementation (standalone) Bash script for cleaning up the generated executables.
elemapprox.c C code for the function approximations.
Makefile GNU Makefile for building testfunc.exe. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as ASCII graphs using testfunc.exe. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as PBM images using testfunc.exe.
test<func>.pbm Generated PBM image data for the function <func>.
test<func>.txt Generated ASCII graph data for the function <func>.
test<func>-ascii.txt Concatenation of the generated ASCII graph data for all supported functions.
/ansicstd ANSI C implementation (based on math.h) Bash script for cleaning up the generated executables.
elemapprox.c C code for the function approximations.
Makefile GNU Makefile for building testfunc.exe. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as ASCII graphs using testfunc.exe. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as PBM images using testfunc.exe.
test<func>.pbm Generated PBM image data for the function <func>.
test<func>.txt Generated ASCII graph data for the function <func>.
test<func>-ascii.txt Concatenation of the generated ASCII graph data for all supported functions.
/common Common files
/common/ansic Common files for the C implementations
elemapprox.h C header file for the above. Defines certain mathematical constants and declares function prototypes.
funcplot.c Reference code for creating the plot data for the functions.
funcplot.h C header file for the above.
graph.c Collection of ASCII and PBM graphing functions.
graph.h C header file for the above.
/common/scripts Scripts for common use Compare the results from ASCII plots between two different implementations (directories) Convert PBM to PNG images with ImageMagick's convert.
/common/verilog Common files for the Verilog implementations
funcplot.v Reference code for creating the plot data for the functions.
graph.v Collection of ASCII and PBM graphing tasks.
testfunc.v Application code for the elementary functions. Options include PBM or ASCII image generation and function selection.
/common/vhdl Common files for the VHDL implementations
graph.vhd VHDL package code with a collection of ASCII and PBM procedures.
testfunc.vhd VHDL testbench code for the elementary functions. Options include PBM or ASCII image generation and function selection through a configuration file.
/verilog Verilog HDL implementation Bash script for cleaning up the generated interpreted intermediate code (for Icarus Verilog).
constants.v Certain mathematical constants.
elemapprox.v Verilog HDL code for the function approximations. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as ASCII graphs using testfunc.v. The script Icarus Verilog' VVP interpreter which is capable of parsing command-line options. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as PBM images using testfunc.v.
test<func>.pbm Generated PBM image data for the function <func>.
test<func>.txt Generated ASCII graph data for the function <func>.
test<func>-ascii.txt Concatenation of the generated ASCII graph data for all supported functions.
/verilogieee Verilog 2005 implementation Bash script for cleaning up the generated interpreted intermediate code (for Icarus Verilog).
elemapprox.v Verilog HDL code for the function approximations. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as ASCII graphs using testfunc.v. The script Icarus Verilog' VVP interpreter which is capable of parsing command-line options. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as PBM images using testfunc.v.
test<func>.pbm Generated PBM image data for the function <func>.
test<func>.txt Generated ASCII graph data for the function <func>.
test<func>-ascii.txt Concatenation of the generated ASCII graph data for all supported functions.
/vhdl VHDL implementation Modelsim .do macro file for Modelsim simulation. GNU Makefile for running the testbench using GHDL.
elemapprox.vhd VHDL package code for the function approximations and related mathematical constants.
funcplot.vhd VHDL package code for creating the plot data for the elementary functions. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as ASCII graphs using GHDL. The script generates a configuration file (config.txt) for controlling the simulation. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as PBM images using GHDL. The script generates a configuration file (config.txt) for controlling the simulation. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as ASCII graphs using Modelsim. The script generates a configuration file (config.txt) for controlling the simulation. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as PBM images using Modelsim. The script generates a configuration file (config.txt) for controlling the simulation.
test<func>.pbm Generated PBM image data for the function <func>.
test<func>.txt Generated ASCII graph data for the function <func>.
test<func>-ascii.txt Concatenation of the generated ASCII graph data for all supported functions.
/vhdlieee VHDL implementation compatible to IEEE.math_real Modelsim .do macro file for Modelsim simulation. GNU Makefile for running the testbench using GHDL.
elemapprox.vhd VHDL package code for the function approximations and related mathematical constants.
funcplot.vhd VHDL package code for creating the plot data for the elementary functions. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as ASCII graphs using GHDL. The script generates a configuration file (config.txt) for controlling the simulation. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as PBM images using GHDL. The script generates a configuration file (config.txt) for controlling the simulation. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as ASCII graphs using Modelsim. The script generates a configuration file (config.txt) for controlling the simulation. Bash script for plotting the elementary functions as PBM images using Modelsim. The script generates a configuration file (config.txt) for controlling the simulation.
test<func>.pbm Generated PBM image data for the function <func>.
test<func>.txt Generated ASCII graph data for the function <func>.
test<func>-ascii.txt Concatenation of the generated ASCII graph data for all supported functions.
/refs Reference documentation
sanjose_hdlcon.doc MS Word document for the manuscript: M. G. Arnold, C. Walter and F. Engineer, "Verilog Transcendental Functions for Numerical Testbenches," Proceedings of the Tenth International HDL conference, Santa Clara, California, March 1, 2001.
freeddy.ppt MS PowerPoint presentation of the above work.

3. Usage

Both the ANSI C and Verilog HDL versions can be used for generating graph data and depicting any of the supported transcendental functions via two similar scripts.

3.1 ANSI C

  1. Run the following shell script from a Unix/Linux/Cygwin command line in order to generate an ASCII graph for each function.
$ cd ansic


$ cd ansicstd

followed by

$ ./

All generated data are also concatenated to testfunc-ascii.txt.

  1. Run the following shell script from a Unix/Linux/Cygwin command line in order to generate a PBM image for each function.
$ ./

All generated data are saved in the form of PBM (monochrome bitmap) image files. Such files can be visualized using, e.g., the public domain Imagine viewer: on Windows or eog (Eye of Gnome) on Debian-based Linux distributions (for instance, Ubuntu).

3.2 Verilog HDL

  1. Run the following shell script from a Unix/Linux/Cygwin command line in order to generate an ASCII graph for each function.
$ cd verilog


$ cd verilogieee

followed by

$ ./

All generated data are also concatenated to testfunc-ascii.txt.

  1. Run the following shell script from a Unix/Linux/Cygwin command line in order to generate a PBM image for each function.
$ ./

All generated data are saved in the form of PBM (monochrome bitmap) image files.

3.3 VHDL

The VHDL version of elemapprox supports both GHDL ( and Mentor Modelsim (

3.3.1 GHDL

  1. Run the following shell script from a Unix/Linux/Cygwin command line in order to generate an ASCII graph for each function.
$ cd vhdl


$ cd vhdlieee

followed by

$ ./

All generated data are also concatenated to testfunc-ascii.txt.

  1. Run the following shell script from a Unix/Linux/Cygwin command line in order to generate a PBM image for each function.
$ ./

All generated data are saved in the form of PBM (monochrome bitmap) image files.

3.3.2 Modelsim

  1. Run the following shell script from a Unix/Linux/Cygwin command line in order to generate an ASCII graph for each function.
$ cd vhdl


$ cd vhdlieee

followed by

$ ./

All generated data are also concatenated to testfunc-ascii.txt.

  1. Run the following shell script from a Unix/Linux/Cygwin command line in order to generate a PBM image for each function.
$ ./

All generated data are saved in the form of PBM (monochrome bitmap) image files.

4. Synthesis

The implementation code (either ANSI C, Verilog HDL or VHDL) for the transcendental functions has not been tested for high-level or RTL synthesis.

5. Prerequisites

A. Function plot examples

This appendix provides sample function plot visualization as raster graphics (PNG) and ASCII for the elementary functions with provided implementations.

A.1. Arc cosine (acos)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``acos``.

A.2. Inverse hyperbolic cosine (acosh)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``acosh``.

A.3. Arc cotangent (acot)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``acot``.

A.4. Inverse hyperbolic cotangent (acoth)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``acoth``.

A.5. Arc cosecant (acsc)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``acsc``.

A.6. Inverse hyperbolic cosecant (acsch)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``acsch``.

A.7. Arc secant (asec)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``asec``.

A.8. Inverse hyperbolic secant (asech)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``asech``.

A.9. Arc sine (asin)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``asin``.

A.10. Inverse hyperbolic sine (asinh)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``asinh``.

A.11. Arc tangent (atan)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``atan``.

A.12. Inverse hyperbolic tangent (atanh)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``atanh``.

A.13. Cosine (cos)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``cos``.

A.14. Hyperbolic cosine (cosh)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``cosh``.

A.15. Cotangent (cot)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``cot``.

A.16. Hyperbolic cotangent (coth)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``coth``.

A.17. Cosecant (csc)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``csc``.

A.18. Hyperbolic cosecant (csch)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``csch``.

A.19. Exponential (exp)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``exp``.

A.20. Natural logarithm (log)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``log``.

A.21. Base-10 logarithm (log10)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``log10``.

A.22. Secant (sec)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``sec``.

A.23. Hyperbolic secant (sech)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``sech``.

A.24. Sine (sin)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``sin``.

A.25. Hyperbolic sine (sinh)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``sinh``.

A.26. Square root (sqrt)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``sqrt``.

A.27. Cube root (cbrt)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``cbrt``.

A.28. Tangent (tan)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``tan``.

A.29. Hyperbolic tangent (tanh)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``tanh``.

A.30. Floor (floor)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``floor``.

A.31. Ceiling (ceil)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``ceil``.

A.32. Round-to-nearest (round)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``round``.

A.33. Truncation (trunc)

ASCII rendering.

Bitmap rendering.

Bitmap rendering for ``trunc``.


Approximating and plotting elementary functions as ASCII or bitmap for ANSI C, Verilog and VHDL







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