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about temporary files and ram_drives (en)

nklbdev edited this page Aug 3, 2023 · 3 revisions

About temporary files and RAM-Drives

en ru

For some source graphics formats (Aseprite/LibreSprite, Krita or Pencil2D), exporting them to an image sequence requires launching the application in which they were made using a console command. Krita and Pencil2D generate a set of numbered *.png files. Aseprite/LibreSprite creates an already packaged atlas (sprite sheet). After that, the importer reads and deletes them. The place where they will be created must be specified in the plugin settings.


Since there are usually quite a lot of frames in animations, many image files will be generated and erased for import. With regular use, this may affect the life time of the SSD. Therefore, I highly recommend using a virtual drive in RAM - the so-called RAM-Drive. When you turn off the computer, the RAM loses all the information stored in it, and this drive will also lose all the contents after a reboot. Therefore, it is convenient to use it for temporary files. In addition, this speeds up the work of the plug-in, because accessing the RAM is much faster than the fastest SSD.

The most famous RAM-Drives:

On Linux, you can create a RAM-Drive with standard tools using the mount command:

  • RamFS - dynamically allocates space in RAM for data storage
  • TmpFS - allocates one-time the entire amount of memory for the size of the drive

On MAC-OS (details):

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