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KODI IP driver for NEEO.

This will be a full featured kodi driver for NEEO. This driver is in an early beta stage so expect issue. I kindly request to only report crashes including crashlogs, Features will come later.

Remove the device you are using from NEEO before using this new version. I still make a lot of changes with every version to find the sweet spot.

The driver state: Early BETA


  • Discovering KODI instances.
  • Wake on Lan as POWER ON command.
  • Browse through movies and recent Movies. (add the Movie Library as shortcut).
  • Browse through TV Shows and recent episodes. (add the TV Shows Library as shortcut).
  • Browse through PVR TV Stations and Radio Stations. (add the PVR Library as shortcut).
  • Browse through Music Albums, recent Albums and Music Video's. (add the Music Library as shortcut).
  • Large Now playing cover image. (add the <Now Playing Cover (large)> Image as shortcut).
  • Small Now playing cover image. (add the <Now Playing Cover (Small)> Image as shortcut).
  • Now playing label. (add the Label as shortcut).
  • Volume Slider. (add the Slider as shortcut).
  • When EPG is available the broadcasted title is shown on TV Channels.
  • All known API commands are exposed as buttons.
  • Button to update Audio Library.
  • Button to update Video Library.
  • Content aware controlls.


  • Kodi password must be set to nothing or to "kodi". Username/Password is not being handled.
  • Kodi 17.x on Android is not supported because it lacks Zeroconf, alternatives are using KODI 18 or use LibreElec.
  • The "kodi Player" driver is NOT complete. use it for fun or show of but please Don't add bug reports for that. It's mainly unusable at this point.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.


You will need a copy of Node.js (v6) installed, see On windows you need either Bonjour SDK or iTunes installed for MDNS discovery.


Download or clone the github files to a directory of your choosing. Extract the files. Use your computers console and go to the path where the files are extracted and Install the package using NPM.

npm install

Running the driver

Use your computers console and go to the path where the files are extracted, Start the driver with NPM.

npm start

Running the driver the old way or for debugging.

Use your computers console and go to the path where the files are extracted, Edit the file Debug_NEEO_DRIVER-KODI.js to your pesonal setup, then Start the Debug_NEEO_DRIVER-KODI.js file with node.

node Debug_NEEO_DRIVER-KODI.js

or use in Visual Studio Code

KODI Settings

In Kodi make sure to enable the following settings:

  • "Announce services to other systems", (not posible on kodi v17.x on android, Upgrade to kodi v18 Beta)
  • "Allow remote control via HTTP", (Used for grabbing images)
  • "Allow remote control from applications on other systems".
  • set Kodi User/Password to either kodi/kodi or leave the password blank (default).

Usefull links


  • Niels de Klerk - Initial work - Github
  • michael kohler - Debugging and help
  • NEEO - SDK - Website


  • ability to add credentials.


Version 1.3.8

  • Added Music Queue.
  • Added Movies in progress.
  • Fixed issue not showing cover art when other kodi webservice is used.
  • Fixed showing listitems x times.
  • Devices need to be re-added. sorry.
  • Fixed list error when kodi didn't report any items.
  • Rewriting browsing service for Player
  • Added generic Library Directory while still having the generic Movies, Music, etc..
  • Fixed content aware controls being dependant on english language.
  • Added disconnected message to listview.
  • Added SUBTITLE and AUDIO (Language) Buttons.
  • Removed unused code.
  • Fixed lists limited to 64 items.
  • Added PLAY PAUSE button for handeling play pause in Player, is mapped to OK button.
  • Added Player Components. (only debug mode as it's not working properly yet.)

Version 1.2.2

  • Reconnect when connection is lost.

Version 1.2.1

  • Removed Module node-arp, Using native Kodi RPC call.
  • Removed Module node-kodi, Using purpose build websocket connector.
  • Improved discovery time from 8 Seconds to 3.
  • Removed Module request.
  • Bugfix: Recent movies returns actual count to list.
  • Bugfix: list limit could exceed item count.
  • Bugfix: Empty list were cousing an issue.

Version 1.2.0

  • Converted all connection methods to use websocket.
  • Added now playing image, Small.
  • Added now playing image, Large.
  • Added now playing label.
  • Added volume slider.

Version 1.1.4

  • Added websocket connection.

Version 1.1.3

  • Reworked the way itemlists are build. now steps of 64 items are fetched.
  • Code cleaning.
  • Fixed images.

Version 1.1.2

  • fixed reacurring filter issue

Version 1.1.1

  • NPM start fix

Version 1.1.0

As all basic features are now working i've updated to 1.1.0.

  • Fixed an endless discovery bug when a device got offline
  • Fixed a WOL bug.
  • Added PVR TV stations. Shows a list of TV channels and if EPG info is availeble also the current broadcast title.
  • Added PVR Radio stations. Shows a list of Radio channels and if EPG info is availeble also the current broadcast title.
  • Added contentaware buttons of Channel UP and Channel Down.
  • Added Recent Albums

Version 1.0.12

  • Added support fot Music albums and tracks.
  • Added Preloading Music albums.
  • Added Library cache and background fetching. (especially nice with huge libraries.)
  • Added support for Music Videos.

Version 1.0.11

  • Changed SDK-CLI Start method.

Version 1.0.10

  • added movie filters: All, Watched, Unwatched.

Version 1.0.9

  • added genre to movie list. just to play around, might change.

Version 1.0.8

  • Changed code to use NEEO CLI, Remove old files first!
  • Added a debugging file for use with IDE. Debug_NEEO_DRIVER-KODI.js
  • Removed Circular dependancies, Thanks to Michael Kohler
  • Fixed promise.resolve issues.

Version 1.0.7

  • Changed the way to obtain the MAC address.

Version 1.0.6

  • Added content aware controlls. i.e. using cursor in movie to skip.

Version 1.0.5

  • Added Discovery logging to troubleshoot.
  • removed IP in index.
  • restructuring code.... (Still ongoing, could take a while)
  • Starting to implement content aware buttons to behave like normal ir Remote or Key's

Version 1.0.4

  • Fixed "ENTER" -> "CURSOR ENTER"
  • Fixed Button controlls.
  • Added Connection banner in KODI.
  • Added Offline discovery.
  • Automatically reconnect.
  • Rewritten WOL, (POWER ON)
  • Automatically connect to KODI instance when POWER ON command is send. (maximum boot duration supported is 5 Minutes).
  • Manual connect to KODI instance when any command is send. (Command is not queued except for Power ON and Power Off).
  • restructured Commands.
  • Cleaned NEEO Controller.
  • Added logo_NEEO_Twitter to images.
  • Removed discovery from browserService-Movie.
  • Removed discovery from browserService-TVShow.
  • Added timer configuration in KODI Controller.

Version 1.0.3

  • Rewritten BrowserService for TV Shows

Version 1.0.2

  • Restructured discovery process.
  • Restructured controller for Kodi.
  • Rewritten BrowserService for Movies.
  • Added BrowserService for music
  • Added BrowserService for pvr
  • Added BrowserService for TV Shows


NEEO Kodi driver






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