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Compiler of YF programming language (YFlang), with GLR parser generator and tokenizer generator.

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#stop next generation plan temporarily. I found another instersting thing: Javascript and TypeScript. I will take a period of time to research TypeScript, and to see what can i do.

#Here is YF virtual machine

YF virtual machine (YFVM) is an abstract computing machine that enables IR codes of YF programming language(YFlang) to run on it.
#YF Programming Language

  1. toolkit: Parser generator and tokenizer generator.
  • GLR parser generator. Write grammers in the file "grammer.txt", then run shift-reduce table will be generated in "out_grammar.txt". Before run AST_Generator, define actions in "grammar_AST.txt" which should be aligned with actions in
  • Tokenizer generator. Write all words and regex expressions in the file "tokens.txt", then run APIs in can be used for get tokens in files.
  1. script and type definition. script part and type definition can be in arbitrary order in the source file. In script part, var define and assignment statments, control structures, fucntion definition and calling are almost the same with convensional programming languages. In type definition part, class and interface are defined, as well as their field and method members.

  2. package management. A source file is end with ".yfl" postfix, and IR codes is end with ".yfc" postfix. Usually yfl files are in "src" file folder (or not), yfc files are in "bin" file folder which is generated automatically(no matter if yfl files in src folder). Current package and imported packages should be in the front of yfl file. Classes and interfaces in other packages can be used when imported, but variables and function in script part in other packages can not be imported. There is a demo in "testcode" dir, with "script1.yfl" as sorce file and "bin/script1.yfc" as object file. Run src/ to watch the compilation process.

  3. Staticly type checking. basic types, expression, function, class, interface.

  4. Dynamically type checking. type parameters of generic type and function, higher-order function.

  5. lambda expression. higher-order function.

  6. IR code. Three address linear code.


//Church number
function zero=(function f, int s)->{return f(s);};
function inc_1=(function m, function f, int s)->{return (function f, int s)->{return f(m (f, s));};};
function add_2=(function m, function n, function f, int s)->{return (function f, int s)->{return m (f (n (f (s))));};};
function f; int s;
function n_1=inc_1(zero, f, s);
function n_2=add_2(n_1, n_1, f, s);

//class, generic, hierarchy
class A<T1>{
T1 a;
T1 f(T1 a){this.a=a; return new T1();}

class B<T1> extends A{
T1 b;
<T2> T2 g(){return new T2();}

A<int> b=new B<int>();
int i=b.f(1);
bool j=((B<int>)b).<bool>g();

##older version: Script_1 with LR1 parser

Compiler and interpreter, with tools of LR(1) parser generator and tokenizer generator. These tools are used for compiling a script program language "YFLang". The IR is just represented by AST. Lex and syntax specifications are defined in some txt files, as well as the parsing rules. The script languege is like a subset of C languese, including if...else... expression, while(...){...} expression, variable defining and assignment, function defining and calling, recursive function, for example:

int fact(int a){if(a<1) return 1; return a*fact(a-1);}
int fib(int a){if(a<2) return 1; return fib(a-1)+fib(a-2);}


Compiler of YF programming language (YFlang), with GLR parser generator and tokenizer generator.






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