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Start services as child-process, wait until they are ready and stop them.


npm install child-service


Let's assume, we have a service that does not detach, but it is not ready immediately after start. We want to start this service call some endpoints and stop it again (for example in tests). Assume that our service is implemented in service.js (for portability, we use a Node.js program in this example, but I actually wrote this tool for use with chisel.

We can now do the following.

const { ChildService } = require("child-service");
const got = require("got");

// We call nodejs in this example, but in reality, it
// is probably some binary executable.
const childService = new ChildService({
  command: process.execPath, // you can also use a promise here
  args: ["service.js"], // you can also use a promise here
  readyRegex: /Listening on port 3000/,
  spawnOptions: {
    cwd: __dirname

(async function () {
  await childService.start();

  const response = await got("");

  await childService.stop();

This will start the service, wait until the stdout matches pattern, then call an endpoint and stop it again. The output of this program is:



The package also makes sure that processes are stopped when the parent-process dies unexpectedly. It takes into account quitting by process.exit() as well as SIGTERM, SIGINT and SIGKILL.

API reference


The class for starting and stopping services.

Kind: global class
Access: public

new ChildService(userOptions)

Create a new child-service

Param Type Description
userOptions object parameters
userOptions.command string | Promise.<string> the command to execute
[userOptions.args] Array.<string> | Promise.<Array.<string>> arguments to the command
[userOptions.readyRegex] RegExp process is assumed to be ready, when this regex matches the output.
[userOptions.outputLimit] number only look for readyRegex in the first "outputLimit" number of bytes of the output.
[userOptions.spawnOptions] object options to pass to child_process.spawn
[userOptions.timeoutAfterSignal] number (default: 1000) how long (in milliseconds) to wait after stopping the child with SIGTERM, before using SIGKILL and after that before giving up.
[userOptions.listenOnStderr] boolean (default: false) whether to wait for "readyRegex" on stderr of the child-process instead of stdout

childService.start() ⇒ Promise.<void>

Starts the service.

Kind: instance method of ChildService
Returns: Promise.<void> - resolves when the "readyRegex" has been found.

childService.stop() ⇒ Promise.<void>

Stop the service.

Kind: instance method of ChildService
Returns: Promise.<void> - resolves, when the executable has exited.


child-service is published under the MIT-license.

See for details.


For release notes, see

Contributing guidelines
