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NL-Portal is a service developed for interaction with external parties, such as residents, customers, suppliers or partner organisations. Nl-Portal runs as a stand-alone service - typically communicating requests to one or more case management solutions in a back office. Target group is Dutch government organizations.



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NL Portal Backend Libraries

Java 21 Kotlin 1.9.23 Spring boot 3.2.4

NL Portal

NL Portal is an application for communicating with citizens and third parties. It is built for use with the Dutch 'VNG API’s for Zaakgericht Werken' - though not required. The development is based on Common Ground principles. Under the motto 'create once, use 340 times', the NL Portal has been built open source, so any (government) organization can use and improve it without restrictions.

Starting principles are:

  • Open standards, open source under EUPL 1.2;
  • Frontend UI based on NL Design System;
  • Independent of process- or case management systems;
  • Horizontal scalable;
  • A-sync communication with other services.

What is nl-portal backend libraries

This project is the backend, or backend for frontend (BFF), of the NL Portal.


Contributions are welcome! To get you in the right direction consult the NL Portal documentation for guidelines on how to contribute.


The source files in this repo are licensed to you under the EUPL 1.2. You can download the license in 23 languages: If you have any questions about the use of this codebase in a larger work: just ask us.

More information about NL Portal

For more information check the following links.

Getting started

  • Before starting this project you need to clone and run the following command in that repository: docker compose up -d.
    • When supporting ZGW services are needed, like Open Zaak, Objects API and Objecttypes API, the following command should be used: docker compose --profile zgw up -d
  • Then run the Gradle bootRun task: ./gradlew app:bootRun in the nl-portal-backend-libraries project

Known issues

Intellij on MacOs has a known issue in which docker containers for testing fail to startup and subsequently those tests fail. Cannot run program "docker" (in directory "/Users/user/Documents/nl-portal/nl-portal-backend-libraries/case"): error=2, No such file or directory This occurs when starting intellij from the JetBrains toolbox or using the MacOs UI and subsequently starting the build using the build in GradleWrapper As a workaround start intellij from the terminal for example by using the command open -a "IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate" or run the gradle command from terminal


NL-Portal is a service developed for interaction with external parties, such as residents, customers, suppliers or partner organisations. Nl-Portal runs as a stand-alone service - typically communicating requests to one or more case management solutions in a back office. Target group is Dutch government organizations.




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