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nl-portal-implementation provides a configurable portal implementation for municipalities.

The implementation is built up of reusable components that fit the specifications of the NL Design System.

The look and feel of these components can be customized through the use of design tokens. Moreover, the back-end systems with which the implementation communicates can be configured, providing each municipality with their own unique environment and data.


Environment variables are loaded from config.js by default. Possible configuration values are specified in the Config interface.

These values are set to the window object by config.js, which also contains the default values for local development.

Note: this configuration is empty by default. Please specify its values before running this project.

Design tokens

Various components throughout the implementation make use of design tokens as specified by the NL Design System.

These design tokens are imported in the App component.

By default, The Hague design tokens are used, they are imported through the line:

import '@gemeente-denhaag/design-tokens-components';

This import can be changed to use a different set of design tokens, changing the look and feel of the implementation.

Moreover, the implementation uses its own set of design tokens, which by default refer to The Hague design tokens. This file can be modified to suit your needs.


Assets, such as the header logo, are located in the assets folder. These files can be modified to, for example, use your organization's logo.

PWA assets

This implementation by default supports PWA functionality. After modifying the assets files mentioned above, use yarn run generate-pwa-assets to automatically generate PWA assets (such as a splash screen) based on these assets.

Moreover, the manifest.json file can be modified to, for example, change your PWA application name.


The package @gemeente-denhaag/nl-portal-localization, used as a dependency in this implementation, contains default locales and translations.

These locales and translations can be optionally overridden by modifying the files in the i18n folder.

In the App component, these locale and translation files can then be passed as input to LocalizationProvider.


The footer of this implementation can be customized inside the App component, by changing the values inside the footer variable. Please make sure to keep to the included PortalFooter interface.

Link titles are translated through translation keys, so make sure to include their respective translations in your assets in the i18n folder under footerLinks. and footerColumns.

If you use multiple languages, a link must be specified for each language, their respective languages are specified by the hrefLang property.


The pages included in the implementation can be customized. This is automatically reflected in the routes present in the implementation.

This can be done by changing the pages variables in the App component. Please keep to the included PortalPage interface.

The icon and component used by each page can be customized.

Each page includes a titleTranslationKey, which must refer to an entry in your translation files in each language you include, i.e. pageTitles.overview.


By default, the implementation is wrapped in ReactKeycloakProvider from the package @react-keycloak/web.

Using functionality from this package, like hooks, is supported in the implementation.

Firstly, make sure to include the dependency @react-keycloak/web in your implementation.

After including this dependency, hooks like useKeycloak can be imported directly from this package and used in your implementation. It automatically works with the Keycloak instance in which the application is wrapped.


To contribute to this repository, first clone it to your device.

Make sure to install yarn.

Installing dependencies

Install dependencies with the command yarn install from the project root.

Starting the project

After installing dependencies, start the project with yarn run start from the project root.


After installing dependencies, build the project with yarn run build from the project root.


Testing in this project is done with Jest. Run the tests of all packages with yarn run test from the project root. To keep watching the tests for any changes, use yarn run test:watch.


Testing in this project is done with ESLint. Look for linting errors in all packages by running yarn run lint from the project root. Use yarn run lint:fix to automatically fix these errors.


Prettifying in this project is done with Prettier. Look for formatting errors in all packages by running yarn run prettier from the project root. Use yarn run prettier:fix to automatically fix these errors.

Adding dependencies

To add a dependency use yarn add <package-name> from the project root. For example: yarn add jest.

To add a development dependency, use yarn add <package-name> --dev from the project root. For example: yarn add jest --dev.

@gemeente-denhaag/nl-portal-* dependencies

This implementation project is based on the @gemeente-denhaag/nl-portal-app package from the nl-portal-libraries mono repo. nl-portal-libraries contains the source code for the nl-portal dependencies needed to run this implementation.

These dependencies present in nl-portal-libraries are built automatically and published as NPM packages. Subsequently, they are used in this repository as dependencies listed in package.json.

To use the latest version of these dependencies, simply up their version numbers in package.json.

Tips and guidelines for development

  • It is advisable to install IDE plugins for ESLint and Prettier. Make sure they use the configurations from the project root. You can set the plugins to automatically fix any errors on saving your files.
  • Please use TypeScript as much as possible.
  • Use index files for more readable imports.
  • Please write unit tests for your code.