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nl07427 edited this page Mar 15, 2023 · 11 revisions


The installation of the connector is based on transport files for One Identity Manager's version 9.1. The data retrieved from ServiceNow is the out of the box schema of the San Diego version. Installing using transport files has the drawback that you have a dependency on the initial deployment used to create the files. We tried to minimize the surface area of the source installation but take into account that the source installation had the following modules installed.

Module Display name
ADS Active Directory Module
ARS Active Roles Module
AOB Application Governance Module
ATT Attestation Module
AAD Azure Active Directory Module
RMB Business Roles Module
CHS Cloud HR Systems Module
CSM Cloud Systems Management Module
POL Company Policies Module
CPL Compliance Rules Module
QBM Configuration Module
CCC Customer configured content
EXH Exchange Hybrid Module
EX0 Exchange Module
O3E Exchange Online Module
CAP Governance Base Module
QER Identity Management Base Module
O3T Microsoft Teams Module
OLG OneLogin Module
RPS Report Subscription Module
SCN ServiceNow Module
O3S SharePoint Online Module
SCC Starling Connect Connector
RMS System Roles Module
TSB Target System Base Module
DPR Target System Synchronization Module
UCI Universal Cloud Interface Module

The required modules as listed in the transport files is:

Module Display name
CCC Customer configured content
QBM Configuration Module
ADS Active Directory Module
TSB Target System Base Module
DPR Target System Synchronization Module
QER Identity Management Base Module

Note that the dependency on the ADS module is temporary, we still have in the code base references to icons used in the ADS module.

The transport files listed in the order of installation are:

Name Notes A cumulative transport file containing the patch #36326 and the ServiceNow REST API library. Note that both transports are file transports and will require a restart of the job service and administrative tools. Schema extensions. The custom PowerShell based synchronization projects used to synchronize and provision entities in the ServiceNow instance, and an One Identity database synchronization project that synchronizes the ServiceNow accounts, groups and group memberships to the corresponding UNSB tables in order to be used in entitlement inheritance operations. Related provisioning, single object synchronization processes and user interface changes required to present the data in Manager .

Installation steps

  • Import the transport files above in listed order.
  • Verify or assign in for example Designer the server function 'Windows PowerShell Connector' to a job server. See screenshot below: Server Function: Windows PowerShell Connector
  • Create or request on the ServiceNow instance a service account with the required permissions on the tables you choose to expose on ServiceNow, and define which authentication method will be used. We will show an example below that is provided as the default in the connector. The default settings in the connector is to use an administrative account as service account and authenticate by registering an application as an OAuth client. The OAuth client application provides access to the REST endpoint and the access permissions of the service account gives you access to the tables on the instance.

In our example we create the service account with the following details:

Assigned role admin
Web service access only The attribute Web service access only is set.

See screenshots below for an example: Service account

Admin role for the service account

Set the password for the service account and save your changes.

Registering the OAuth client application In the admin interface of ServiceNow you can register the OAuth client application. Navigate to System OAuth -> Application Registry in the menu. See below for an example: Application registry Create a new OAuth application by selecting the Create an OAuth API endpoint for external clients option. Provide the requested details and save OAuth application. See screenshot below for an example:

Registered OAuth client application

  • Configuring the connector in the Synchronization editor

After registering the OAuth client application and creating the service account we need the make a note of the following details in ordet to configure the connector.

  • From the client application we need the client id and the client secret.
  • The user-id and password of the service account.
  • The hostname of the ServiceNow instance.
  • The file path to the library (dll) of the connector. The library is loaded in the database by the first transport file. One Identity Manager will distribute the library on the job server and the installation directory of the administration tools. The default installation is the sub director libs\servicenow.

Example values provided as variables in the synchronization project:

Variable Example value Notes
CP_Posh_ClientId ebb4e3ebb911111036da1c50be99bd25 Client-id of the registered application.
CP_Posh_ClientSecret VerySecureWW Client secret of the OAuth application.
CP_Posh_LibraryPath C:\OneIdentity\jobservers\Snow\libs\servicenow\ServiceNow.Graph.dll Absolute path to the interface library.
CP_Posh_UserName IAM_ONEIDENTITY User id (actually the value of the column user_name in the table 'sys_user') of the service account.
CP_Posh_UserPassword SecurePWServiceAccount Password of the service account.
CP_OneIM_UserID Snow_Config User id of the One Identity Manager's database account.
CP_OneIM_Password SecureOneIMPW Password of the One Identity Manager's database account.
CP_UID_Instance 07e9ec78-28fd-47ac-81c4-3a1f1585e7c2 The value of column UID_CCCSNWInstance@CCCSNWInstance. The connector supports multiple instances wothin the OneIM database. We will walk through the steps for defining the instance in the database.
  • Create the ServiceNow instance in OneIM

The ServiceNow specific values of the instance (CCCSNWInstance) are retrieved from the table instance on your ServiceNow instance. You can find the values by typing the command instance.list in the Filter Navigator of the admin console. See screenshot below for the steps: Listing instances in the ServiceNow database

Note: You can have multiple instances defined in the instance table. For example when synchronizing the production instance to the acceptance instance you will see both instances listed. Select the needed instance.

To define the instance in OneIM we actually only need the instance_id and the instance_name. See screenshot below for the steps needed to retrieve the values: Instance XML details

In Manager navigate to ServiceNow -> Basic configuration data -> Instances and create a new instance. See screenshot below for an example:

Create instance in Manager

Set the search criteria for employee assignment: Employee search criteria

  • Create the base object and startup configuration in the synchronization project.

  • Adjust the default ServiceNow - Initial Synchronization workflow, out of the box we are synchronizing approximately 26 tables from ServiceNow.

  • Run the synchronization. Note that you need to run the synchronization at least 3 times in order to get the duration with the revision counters fully active.

  • Verify user interface presentation. The ServiceNow instance data is shown in it's own menu category in Manager. For example the overview page for an user account after synchronization should look like: User account overview page

  • Installation of the proxy custom target system. The connector tries to mimic a connected system module without access to the internal entitlement inheritance mechanisms that are calculated in the database queue. To achieve this we have a bi-directional synchronization to a proxy custom target system. The proxy target system contains:

    1. User accounts.
    2. Groups. Roles can be added as a group type as well.
    3. Group memberships.

Since the proxy data is contained in a custom target sysem (UNSX table structure) we can add the entitlement to business / system roles. The inheritance calculations are carried out and the assignment and provisioning to ServiceNow is done by assignment processes. The implementation of this functionality has custom processes and a database synchronization project. The database synchronization startup configuration should be added as the last step in a startup sequence (Note: In the 9.1 environment we are using for testing is the startup sequence functionality broken. A hotfix is available, the hotfix number is #36226). The installation steps for the proxy target system are:

  • Add a custom target system of the type ServiceNow Instance, with the Group system entitlement used type, synchronized by One Identity Manager, and with container support. See below for an example:

    ServiceNow proxy custom target system.

  • Create a group and user container for the target system.

  • Set the link between the custom target system and ServiceNow instance synchronized by the PowerShell connector. See screenshot below for the steps: Link the proxy target system with the ServiceNow instance

  • Configure the synchronization project ServiceNow database proxy by setting the connection details, creating a base object and startup configuration, and provide values for the variables listed in the table below.

Variable Example value Notes
CP_GroupContainer_RootDN CN=Group,system=ServiceNowProxy Distinguished name of the group container.
CP_UID_UNSContainerBGroups f00ae0dc-996e-4eac-927e-c71c77093f49 Primary key of the group container.
CP_UserContainer_RootDN CN=User,system=ServiceNowProxy Distinguished name of the user container.
CP_UID_UNSContainerBUsers 3ca291ee-51ec-4c5d-92dd-36c3f817e645 Primary key of the user container.
CP_Uid_UNSRootB f292a96d-39ac-4de1-a7a4-f18c3b0f1023 Primary key of the proxy target system (UID_UNSRootB@UNSRootB).
CP_Uid_CCCSNWInstance de12f329-40ee-4927-aed7-78b312ce2ed3 Primary key of the ServiceNow instance, the value of UID_CCCSNWInstance@CCCSNWInstance).
  • Run the synchronization

Note: The proxy target system is only used for entitlement inheritance purposes and account definitions should not be assigned. Account definitions can be assigned to the table CCCSNWSys_User.

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