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Alexander Krasnov edited this page Jan 19, 2023 · 2 revisions

Installation, configuration and updating

Please understand, that entering commands into the console takes a certain amount of knowledge and is your own responsibility.

If you are installing the bot for the first time, there are multiple things you have to do:

Step 1: Create a telegram bot.

This is done by talking to BotFather on telegram. Name the bot, give it a username. You will get a token to control the bot.

Step 2: Install the bot.

We recommend installing the bot with KIAUH, and updating it via moonraker or via KIAUH.
Moonraker [history] component must be configured.

You may of course still install the bot manually: Simply clone the distro:

cd ~
git clone
cd moonraker-telegram-bot

After cloning is done, run the install script:


The script will ask for config file location. We recommend to place it in the same catalog, where the klipper config files are located for ease of access and backup. The bot will create a base minimal config named telegram.conf.

Step 3: Connect the telegram bot with your bot installation

Copy the token from step 1 and paste it in the telegram.conf in the [bot] section.
Restart the bot with sudo systemctl restart moonraker-telegram-bot. Open the chat window with your bot in telegram, and write anything to it. The bot will respond, that you are not authorized, and provide you with your chat id.
Copy this id to the telegram.conf in the [bot] section.
Restart the bot with sudo systemctl restart moonraker-telegram-bot.

You should get a response from the bot in chat, and base functionality should be accessible. If you are not getting any meaningful responses from the bot, or no response at all, you propably have made mistakes while installing it and have a corrupted installation, or the bot is not able to reach telegram servers. Try checking the logs in (default would be ~/printer_data/logs) or do a clean reinstall.

After step 3 the bot should be running properly and respond to commands, as well as present you with buttons. You can restart the bot directly with /bot_restart after this for any config changes.

Step 4: Add [respond] section to your klipper

Most of the features like sending notifications, or generating keyboards require the [respond] section to work. Simply add [respond] anywhere in your configuration.

Step 5: Add the bot to the moonraker update manager

Mainsail and Fluidd both support checking for updates as well as updating installed klipper components. If you regularly update klipper and moonraker, you should keep the bot updated as well.

Paste this to the moonraker config and restart moonraker.

[update_manager client moonraker-telegram-bot]
type: git_repo
path: ~/moonraker-telegram-bot
env: ~/moonraker-telegram-bot-env/bin/python
requirements: scripts/requirements.txt
install_script: scripts/

If you need more information on the process, you can check it out in detail on moonraker update manager page.

Step 6 (optional): Include the macro to store lapse variables

If you intend on using the timelapse module to make timelapse videos, you should add a macro to store finished lapse parameters.

Simply paste this little macro to any place in your klipper configuration:

[gcode_macro _bot_data]
variable_lapse_video_size: 0
variable_lapse_filename: 'None'
variable_lapse_path: 'None'
    M118 Setting bot lapse variables

You can then if you need later on access video parameters after its built and done with klipper macros. This might be useful for different automatisations.

Step 7: Additional features

To enable the more advanced functions, you should check out the sample config as well as interacting with klipper pages. It contains a description of all currently functions available in the latest version of the bot, and how to use them.

Another good place to get information is ideas for macros page. We have a small collection of useful macros to use with the bot there.

If you have suggestions on usage scenarios, don't hesitate to drop us an issue with your usage example, we would love to see it and describe it in the documentation.