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Nicolas Liautaud edited this page Oct 21, 2017 · 6 revisions

This page describe the tags syntax that can be parsed from text, for exemple from CMS pages content. Each tag generates a distinct functional form.

This is a default contact form :

(% contact %)


Parameters are separated by commas and listed after a semicolon.

(% contact : parameter, parameter, ... %)
(% contact : 

Parameters can be email addresses or fields.

(% contact : address@domain.ext, another@domain.ext, ... %)
(% contact : field, field, field, ... %)
(% contact : address@domain.ext, field, field, ... %)

If you don't specify addresses, the form will use the default ones defined in settings. If you don't specify fields, the form will use the default ones defined in settings.

Form-specific language

The word contact may be followed by a two-letters language code to set the form language. Known fields and messages will be translated (see i18n).

(% contact fr %)

Fields types

Any standard field type will be displayed accordingly on the form and will report its value in the received email.

Standard fields types
text one-line text field
textarea multi-line text area
checkbox one or more check boxes and labels
radio one or more radio buttons and labels
select drop down list with defined values
email, url, tel,
date, month, week, time,
number, color, range, search
HTML5 inputs

Modern browsers will provide suitable fields inputs and validate their content. Some of them are also validated server-side like email, url and tel.

Some fields types will have an additional behavior :

Special fields types
name a text field used as source name in the received email.
email is used as source address in the received email.
subject a text field used as subject in the received email.
askcopy a checkbox allowing the user to receive a copy of the email.
message textarea with a minimum text length that can be defined in settings.
captcha a Google reCapcha field (must be configured in the settings).
password password field with required input server side verification.

Fields options

The field options are defined after the field type, to customize it.

Symbol Description Note Example
! Required field A required field left empty will display a "required" error. email!
"..." Custom label Will replace the default one. email "Your email"
(...) Description Shown next to the label. message (please be polite)
= ... Default value or
Required value
The value will be pre-filled when it makes sense. name = Jean-Claude
password = secret1234
=< ... Placeholder value Shown when the field is empty. email =<
=> ... Locked value The field value will be set and not editable. subject => Love enquiries

Checkbox, radio and select fields default value may have multiple options separated by vertical bars. By using a semicolon next to an option, you can define the selected one(s).

checkbox = a single option
checkbox = an option |: a selected option |: another selected option
radio = an option |: the selected option
select = option one | option two |: selected option three

Multiple options have to be used in the following order :

fieldType! "text" => value | value


Default :

(% contact %)

Default with two custom recipients :

(% contact : recipient@domain.ext, other@domain.ext %)

A custom minimal one :

(% contact : email!, message! %)

A custom big one :

(% contact fr : 
    address@domain.ext, another@domain.ext,
    subject => "About this script",
    textarea "How old is born Napoléon?",
    radio "Do you like this script?" = Yes | No, 
    url (Website or blog),
    select = One | Two :| Three | Four | Five ,
    message! = Say something,
    password = tomato,
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