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A command to enable/disable git hooks scripts in repository/.githooks.

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Install @nlib/githooks with the --save-dev flag.

npm install --save-dev @nlib/githooks

That's all. If @nlib/githooks is installed as the direct devDependency (listed in the package.json), it configures git hooks automatically.

Then, your scripts in repository/.githooks are now recognized by git.

Note: Don't forget to run chmod +x .githooks/your-script.


<0.1.x reverts the installation on uninstalling of this package. But uninstall lifecycle scripts were removed in npm@7, >0.1.x do nothing on uninstalling of this package.

If you want to revert the configuration, please follow the steps below.

  1. Run git config --local --unset core.hooksPath
  2. Delete the .githooks