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Improving Machine Reading Comprehension with Contextualized Commonsense Knowledge

This repository maintains the code and resource for the above ACL'22 paper. Please contact if you have any questions or suggestions.


    title = "Improving Machine Reading Comprehension with Contextualized Commonsense Knowledge",
    author = "Sun, Kai  and
      Yu, Dian  and
      Chen, Jianshu  and
      Yu, Dong  and
      Cardie, Claire",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACL 2022",
    year = "2022",
    address = "Dublin, Ireland",
    url = "",
    pages = "8736--8747",

Files in this repository:

  • data/en/en_b.json: weakly-labeled English MRC instances constructed based on pattern B_c.
  • data/en/en_i.json: weakly-labeled English MRC instances constructed based on pattern I.
  • data/en/en_o.json: weakly-labeled English MRC instances constructed based on pattern O.
  • data/cn/lb/cat_{lb_1,lb_2}.json: samples of the weakly-labeled Chinese MRC instances constructed by B_c.
  • data/cn/gb/cat_{gb_1,gb_2}.json: samples of the weakly-labeled Chinese MRC instances constructed by B_n.
  • data/cn/ib/cat_{ib_1,ib_2}.json: samples of the weakly-labeled Chinese MRC instances constructed by I.
  • data/cn/ct/cat_{ct_1,ct_2}.json: samples of the weakly-labeled Chinese MRC instances constructed by O.
  • data/c3_soft/c3_train_soft.json: soft labels of the C3 training data used for fine-tuning student models in the multi-teacher paradigm.

Due to the copyright issues, full weakly-labeled Chinese MRC instances are not provided. We use the Englsih scripts from the ScriptBase Corpus. As almost all scripts are written following the standard templates, using patterns B_n can hardly extract any knowledge triples. To use contextualized knowledge (i.e., (verbal, context, nonverbal) triples) for non-MRC tasks, you can just use (question, document, answer) in MRC instances.

The data format is as follows.

      document 1
        "question": document 1 / question 1,
        "choice": [
          document 1 / question 1 / answer option 1,
          document 1 / question 1 / answer option 2,
        "answer": document 1 / question 1 / correct answer option
    document 1 / question 1 / id
      document 2
        "question": document 2 / question 1,
        "choice": [
          document 2 / question 1 / answer option 1,
          document 2 / question 1 / answer option 2,
        "answer": document 2 / question 1 / correct answer option
    document 2 / question 1 / id


STEP I: Train four teacher models

Set the file paths for the pre-trained language model RoBERTa-wwm-ext-large (PyTorch version), C3, and output folder in and execute


STEP II: Generate soft lables for both weakly-labled and clean data


Based on the resulting four folders, execute the following command:


STEP III: Train a student model


STEP IV: Fine-tune the student model on the downstream MRC data



Download the model that is pretrained on the combination of soft weakly-labeled data and soft clean data. Execute the following command (set the path first):


The code has been tested with Python 3.6 and PyTorch 1.1.


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