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55 lines (41 loc) · 3.27 KB

File metadata and controls

55 lines (41 loc) · 3.27 KB

Chrome Extension



Are you tired of YouTube keeping popping up unwanted content on your feed constantly? Have you been concerned about which channel your kids will watch on YouTube? Well, that is why I wrote it.

This extension will intercept what you are browsing on YouTube and map to storage then whether it should navigate or not depending on your decision.

You can either add your unwanted channel to the list channels or just put some search keywords to the list keywords. It will intercept and handle it all for you.


# Clone the repo
$ git clone 
# Open the "Manage Extensions" in Chrome Browser
# Enabe "Developer mode"
# Then load unpacked folder extension 

How to use

  • Channels.
  • Keywords.
    • Just type in the keyword you don't like to search for.
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                  l:::::l      ttt:::t         b::::::b             99:::::::::99      99:::::::::99   
                  l:::::l      t:::::t         b::::::b           99:::::::::::::99  99:::::::::::::99 
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