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Releases: nmcclatchey/Priority-Deque

Final release for STL-style deque

01 Jul 18:29
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This final release marks the last time I intend to maintain the STL-style priority_deque. If this is updated later, it will be to add a Boost-style priority_deque.

No known bugs exist, strong (rollback) exception safety is provided in most cases, documentation is complete, and enforcing thread safety has proven impractical at best. I see no further improvements to make.

STL-style Priority Deque and Interval Heap

07 Dec 16:45
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Implements interval-heap management function templates and an STL-style priority deque class template. Performance an exception-handling have been improved slightly since v1.0.

If your compiler does not support std::thread, threading may be disabled by the following line:

The optional built-in mutex locking has been removed. It would only encourage bad programming habits, while crippling the performance of the deque.