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Mohamed Nashid Mifzal P edited this page Feb 16, 2021 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Angular-PDF-with-image-download wiki!

This is Nashid Mifzal, this is my first wiki, and a open repo with a solution for downloading a html page which consist of images.

  • The general Tools mostly wont show images, when the html page is converted into an pdf.
  • This is due to the plugins detect only base64 encoded image hence it will be in the form of string
  • what i have done in this project is, merged two methods in order to achieve solution, converted the image (in any form i.e. url,local) , i convert them into base 64 then i display using canvas ! thats it simple.
  • Now the **JSPDF ** takes it as base64 string then the image will be diplayed in the corresponding output.
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