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Nuno Antunes edited this page Jun 5, 2018 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the TMA Framework wiki!

The following pages provide links for relevant information.

  • F.A.Q. on Probes Development - quick answer to the main questions;
  • F.A.Q. on Platform Deployment - not yet available;
  • F.A.Q. on Actuators Development - not yet available;

Repositories Structure

The TMA Framework will follow an adaption of the MAPE-K concepts. Therefore, a repository structure was defined that is based on this repository, which contains the general information of the framework, including architecture and design information.

This repository also acts as the umbrella repository for 5 other repositories that map with each of the main components of the of the MAPE-K loop, as follows:

Each repository maintains its own issues and projects, while the umbrella project only manages general issues that affect more than one component.

Usage instructions: