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nnnik edited this page Aug 20, 2018 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the FastMatrix wiki!

I will use these wiki pages to document and explain the FastMatrix library and provide information about updates.


The FastMatrix library is a library that strives to implement the fastest and easiest to use linear algebraics library for AHK. In order to use this library you should understand basic linear algebraics. This is also the topic I'm going to start with.

After that we are going to have a look at how I implemented this parts of maths in the Matrix class in AHK.


Since we finished the basic introduction to the topic the real documentation starts. I always go ahead and say a few things about how to include and use the library and a few general practices. Additionally the Matrix class will be dissected into several parts.

After that I will document all methods categorized by the parts discussed in the previous section.

Additional Ressources

In addition to the normal documentation I'm going to provide additional ressources that are useful for understanding this class. The first thing will be examples - I will already provide examples in the normal documentation however the place where all examples will be collected is here.

Information on how to achieve the most speed and some benchmarks will be given after that.

The general architecture will be presented after that.


Finally I will talk about the development of this class, starting with updates and future plans.

The whole wiki will be concluded by info on how to contribute to this project.