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Releases: nnstreamer/nntrainer

NNTrainer 0.5.0 Release

04 Apr 02:13
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We are releasing NNTrainer v0.5.0

RPM Files are for Tizen, built daily at (
and available at ( )
DEB files are for Ubuntu, built and download from (https::// )

If you have unresolved dependencies, please download them from Ubuntu universe and nnstreamer PPA

In this release:


  • Reordering of execution order
  • split apply gradient step in execution order
  • Fix the memory pool and Tensor Pool bugs
    and more.

New Features

  • New Features
    • Support Proactive Swap for less memory consumption
    • Add Cache Pool / Cache Loader / Cache Element
    • Update and add Memory Planner
    • Add Execution Order & Memory Usage Tracing for Debugging
    • Add TaskExecutor for multi-threading
    • Add Swish Activation
    • NNStreamer Training Plugins ( Un-stable )
    • Tensorflow-lite Exporter (Un-Stable)
      and more.
  • Provides More C/C++ APIs
  • New Applications
    • Add Android Applications ( Kotlin & Java ) for On-Device training of Resnet18
      and more

NNTrainer 0.4.0 Release

26 Sep 07:10
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We are releasing NNTrainer v0.4.0

RPM Files are for Tizen, built daily at (
and available at ( )
DEB files are for Ubuntu, built and download from (https::// )

If you have unresoved dependencies, please download them from Ubuntu universe and nnstreamer PPA

In this release:


  • Fix Batch Normalization Bugs
  • Fix Embedding Layer Bugs
  • Fix Grdient Access Bugs
  • Add a lot of unit tests to evaluate NNTrainer implementation
    and more.

New Features

  • New Layers
    • Attention Layer
    • Eanble Weight / Tensor Sharing
    • Implement Realizer to manipulate the network graph
      • Flatten Realizer, Recurrent Realizer with in/out property, Privious Input Realizer, Attach Activation Layer Realizer
    • Support Conv1D Layer
      • Support Dilation Property
    • Support multi-label/input for model
    • Support reshape Layer
    • Support Batch normalization 1 D
    • Support LSTM Cell Layer
    • Support RNNCell Layer
    • Support GRUCell Layer
    • Support Mol Attention Layer
    • Support Multi-Head Attention Layer
    • Support Gradient Clipping by Global Norm
    • Support Reduce Mean Layer
    • Support Leaky Relu Layer
    • Support Zoneout LSTM Cell Layer
    • Support Learning Rate Scheduling
    • Improve Load/Save Model
    • Support TFLite Export (Experimental)
    • Support Positional Encoding Layer
    • Support Layer Normalization
      and more
  • Provides More C/C++ APIs
  • New Applications
    • Transformer Applications
      and more

NNTrainer 0.3.0 Release

24 Sep 06:19
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We are releasing NNTrainer v0.3.0

RPM Files are for Tizen, built daily at (
and available at ( )
DEB files are for Ubuntu, built and download from (https::// )

If you have unresoved dependencies, please download them from Ubuntu universe and nnstreamer PPA

In this release:


  • Fix Batch Normalization Bugs
  • Fix Stride and Padding in Conv2D and Pooling2D Layer
  • Add a lot of unit tests to evaluate NNTrainer implementation
    and more.

New Features

  • New Layers
    • Recurrent Layers : RNN, LSTM, GRU
    • Embedding Layer
    • Distributed Layer
    • KNN Layer
    • L2Norm Layer
  • Rewrite DataSet to support element-wise ( not batch-wise ) getter & Better Data Handling
  • Interpreter to convert the model into various other framework such as TfLite
  • Provides More C/C++ APIs
    • Inferece APIs
    • Save / Load Model APIs
  • New Applications
    and more

NNTrainer 0.2.0 Release

03 Jun 03:17
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We are releasing NNTrainer v0.2.0

RPM Files are for Tizen, built daily at (
and available at ( )
DEB files are for Ubuntu, built and download from (https::// )

If you have unresoved dependencies, please download them from Ubuntu universe and nnstreamer PPA

In this release:


  • Rewrite CONV2D to support Multi-Stride & Padding
  • Fix DataSet synchronization problem
  • Add a lot of unit tests to evaluate NNTrainer implementation
    and more.

New Features

  • New Layers
    • Batch Normalization Layer
    • Addition & Concat Layer
    • Augmentation Layers : Flip / Translate / Permute / Split
    • Backbone Layer
    • Multi-Output Layer
    • Split Layer
  • Support Custom Layer with Container (AppContext)
  • Introdue Network Graph Structure & Optimization Scheme
  • Introduce Techniques to Maximize Buffer Reusability
  • Introduce Dynamic Fine-Tuning
  • Support In/Out-Place & Lazy Tensor Computation
  • Support In/Out Place Layer Calculation to reduce memory consumption
  • Introduce Optimizer & Memory Manager for better maintain
  • Provides C/C++ APIs
  • New Applications
    • VGG
    • ResNet
    • Custom Layers
    • SimpleShot ( Meta-Learning )
      and more

NNTrainer 0.1.1 Release

23 Sep 10:00
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We are releasing NNTrainer v0.1.1

RPM Files are for Tizen, built daily at (
and available at ( )
DEB files are for Ubuntu, built and download from (https::// )

If you have unresoved dependencies, please download them from Ubuntu universe and nnstreamer PPA

In this release:


  • Fix for Softmax calculation
  • Use im2col to compute Convolution Layer
  • Update hyper-parameter keywords.
    • Network to Model
    • Weight_Decay to Weight_Regularizer
    • model_path to save_path
    • and others.
  • Update Documentation
  • Fix undeterministic behavior of databuffer
  • Fix race condition of databuffer
  • Resolve coverity and save issues
    and more.

New Features

  • Added NNStreamer Filter Element for NNTrainer Inference
  • Accelerate Tensor Calculation with BLAS Library

NNTrainer 0.1.0.rc1 Release

10 Aug 07:42
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We are finally release NNtrianer v0.1.0.rc1.

RPM Files are for Tizen, built daily at (
and available at ( )
DEB files are for Ubuntu, built and download from (https::// )

If you have unresolved dependencies, please download them from Ubuntu universe and nnstreamer PPA.

In this release:

New Features

  • Supported Layers
    • Fully Connected Layer
    • Convolution 2D Layers
    • Pooling 2D Layer
    • Input Layer
    • Flatten Layer
    • Activation Layer
    • Loss Layer
  • Supported Optimizers
    • sgd : Stochastic Gradient Descent
    • adam : Adaptive Moment Estimation
  • Supported Loss
    • mse : Mean Squared Error
    • Cross Entropy : Sigmoid and Softmax
  • Activations
    • tanh
    • sigmoid
    • relu
    • softmax
  • Normalization
    • Weight Initialization : Xavier (Normal/Uniform), LeCun(Normal/Uniform), HE (Normal/Uniform)
    • Weight Decay : L2Norm
    • Learning Rate Decay
  • Tensor : 4D Tensor ( B, C, H, W) accelerated by open blas
    • add, sub, mul, div
    • sum, average, argmax
    • dot, transpose
    • normalization, standardization
    • save, read
  • APIs
    • Tizen Core API Support
  • Applications
    • Tizen Application
      • Custom Shortcut Application
    • Full Training
      • mnist example
    • Reinforcement Learning
      • DeepQ Learning : CartPole
    • Transfer Learning
      • Classification of cifar10
      • Sticker Example
      • Sticker Example (KNN)
    • Logistic Regression